Chapter 8: Nice To Meet You...Again

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Author’s Note: 

Been busy. I had no motivation to update but I have now all thanks to a Naruto Highschool fanfic :D Akatsuki was there so yeah hehe



“Best friends...” he said, as we pulled our hands back. “Well, I guess that’s what you can offer me after calling me a b*tch over the phone.” he ended as he went back to his car and drove fast. 

Huh? Since when did I call him a b*tch? Over the phone? Cellphone? That Uchiha has—

Oh wait. I remember now. Shit. I called my boss a b*tch. It’s a miracle that I wasn’t fired. I just went inside my house but I hesitated to open it using my duplicate key. My mother doesn’t even know why I didn’t come home yesterday night. Sighing, I opened the door and surprised to see my mother, happily talking with someone over the phone.

I grabbed the chance to quietly seek up to my room although...

“Sakura! We’re going to talk. Don’t go upstairs or else..” she paused and laughed again with the person over the phone. Sheesh, I have never seen my mom so pleased with the telephone. I sat at the sofa and began charging my cellphone when I saw my charger.  I turned it on, and saw twenty messages and seven missed calls from both Ino and Tenten. They’re gonna pay for what they’ve got me into! And since it’s my day off tomorrow, I can kick their ass with full power. Lucky me.

When mom placed the receiver down, she crossed her arms and looked at me with fire blazing on her eyes, “Where have you been?” emphasizing every word, she added, “Don’t tell me that it’s about work. I know that overtime only lasts until eight. And you’ve been gone all night, young lady.”

I sighed. 

“You see, mom, I went to a...a...a club—” 

“A night club?! What the heck are you doing there?! Didn’t I tell you to never go there since you might get harrassed and disrespected?!”

“Calm down, mom! Jeez. Ino and Tenten dragged me there and left me! I so hate them for doing that. Although, I did get disrespected by some guy—”


“Ahck! Mom! Relax, nothing happened, actually. I was saved.”

“Really? Who’s your knight in shining armor? That’s so cute! And you’re the damsel in distress!”

“Err. No, mom. The guy who saved me was my boss, Sasuke saved me. And don’t use the term ‘knight in shining armor’ with him, he only cares about himself, you know.” I corrected.

She smiled, “If he only cared about himself, he wouldn’t have saved you, Sakura.”


She just shook her head and grinned at me, “Oh and Sakura...” mom’s eyes were twinkling and positive aura was encircling her. She must be in a good mood. “Your father can finally re-build Haruno Industries. He would come home within two months.”

Dad is coming home, and the Haruno Industries will be back on business. 
So that’s what mom’s smiling about over the phone.


“KYAAA! We’re so sorry, Sakura! WAAAH!!!”

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