Chapter 34: In The End

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"Pick up Sakura, pick up..." Mebuki kept muttering the same phrases over and over again as she placed the mobile phone close to her ear. Anxiety flowed through her system; questions and negative thoughts clouded her mind. Where was Sakura and why couldn't she contact her own daughter?

Kizashi sighed, sitting on the couch as he interlaced his fingers frustratedly. "Let's calm down for a while, Mebuki. Sakura wanted fresh air—"

"But it's midnight already, Kizashi! Where is she?" She said in almost a yell, her voice turning hoarse in exasperation. The corners of her eyes began to heat up and felt her lips quivering. Once more, she dialed again with shaky fingers.

"This is our fault..." She muttered, breathing out while a hint of guilt was shining from her eyes. "We shouldn't have told her about this."

"She was persistent," he stated with a crease across his forehead. "I had no choice."

The woman pursed her lips into a thin line, as she raised her head and blinked continuously to stop new set of tears from pouring down. She knows that Kizashi is worrying as much as she is and no matter how blank his facade seems, inside he's also a wreck. He just refused to pour all his feelings out. He refused to look vulnerable.

Mebuki needs to find Sakura and this time, she will explain everything in a calmer way. Quick.


Thick blankets covered her figure while tears silently rolled down her cheeks. When her friend took notice of this, she sighed, outstretching her hands to tug down the covers away.

"Sakura, stop crying..." Ino said softly as she sat on the edge of her bed. "Come on. Cheer up."

Silence hung in the air again. Ino couldn't help but feel absolutely worthless. There she was, just sitting quietly while watching her most treasured bestfriend weep. What could she do for her? Comfort her using pretty words such as 'everything's going to be okay,' and 'it's fine, don't worry'? She wants to, very much, but no—because Ino personally knew that it's not okay, and it won't be.

"Sakura, I want to tell you something," she uttered, scooting closer to her friend who was just staring emotionlessly at the blue-painted walls. She tapped her leg, faking a small smile to get her attention.

When her eyes landed on Ino's bright blue ones, she sat properly and wiped her cheeks. She didn't open her mouth to utter any replies; she simply waited for the blonde to continue.

Ino breathed in, sealing her lips into a thin line before swallowing in silence. "What you told me earlier..." She smiled faintly as her gaze went down, drawing invisible circles on the mattress. "I understand every part of it. But I should say, we don't have the exact same story."

Sakura's eyebrows were slightly knitting as confusion hit her. She didn't part her lips to give her response, instead she anticipated for her friend's next statements.

The platinum blonde bit her bottom lip before playing with her own fingers, still looking downwards, "I've never told you this, and I apologize in advance. I once told you that Shikamaru and I were in a relationship, right? Well... this is why we broke up."

"We were good friends. I am affirmative that he loved me as much as I loved him. Although he was so lazy and sometimes annoying, I really and genuinely loved that guy," at this point, Ino chuckled while Sakura just listened attentively. "However, one day he surprised me by saying that he fell out of love... and yes, I believed that excuse. It was painful but maybe it would be better if I'd believe the truth, that was what I told myself. And then I don't know what happened anymore. I don't know when or how I found out about his fixed marriage, and for the second time I was broken."

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