Chapter 5: Steps To You

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Forgive my laziness if this is too short for you. I lack sleep, motivation, and strength to think and type (I sleep at 12 midnight for no reason but sometimes I sleep at 11 :D lol) I am also experiencing head ache so I apologize (>.<) 


I felt the sun rays hit my skin. I immediately woke up and got up from my bed. The curtains hanging in the window were wide stretched away that’s why the heat went through. I scratched my head and stretched my arms and yawned. bed? I examined the room I was in a... HOLY SON OF A GUN! THIS ISN’T MY FREAKIN ROOM! WAAAH! SOME RAPIST MUST’VE—

“Oh, you’re awake. Finally.”

Oh. He’s not a rapist. He’s my terror boss, Sasuke Uchiha. 


He’s my boss. 

He’s Sasuke Uchiha.



“Haruno, you—”

“Uwaaaa!” I cried pathetically in front of him. I covered the blankets over me, not because it was cold—technically it is cold because of the airconditioner but whatever—but because I was scared. Waaah! I’m afraid! 

His eyes widened and came near me, “H-hey! What’s wrong? Are you hurt? Uhh...”

I looked at him with an accused face, “YOU! You big son-of-a-goddamn-b*tch! You stole it! Waaah! It’s gone! Waaaah! I’m not her anymore! NOOO! *sniffs*” YOU KNOW WHAT I’M TALKING ABOUT!!!

He faced me like I was from a mental hospital, “What? What did I steal?!”


“V-card?! Is that some kind of credit card?! I did NOT charge on any of your cards you idiot!”


“Stop cussing at me, fool! What the hell are you saying?! V-card?! What the heck is that?!”

“Virginity, you idiot!” I whined. “You stole mineee! UWAAAA! I bet you kissed me too! Waaah! My first kiss is not the hollywood star that I was dreaming about! I will take this to the court, I am serious!” I am 100% sure that he did! I mean, I found myself in his house (I know that this is his house and room) and he is here! I am positively sure that he... you know.. did something bad! WAAAH! This can’t be! Sasuke used to be so sophisticated!

His eyes were huge at first but he chuckled after I ranted, “Do you honestly think that I would get your..uhh.. v-card?” he scratched the back of his head. What a sight! Wait, what?

“Well..yes! You just did! If I knew that you would do that, I shouldn’t have come with you! Goddamn it!” I yelled. This is bad! Why oh why does this accursed world have to be so mean to me?! I did nothing to be treated like this, to be a druken lady that a man wanted to taste and stole her v-card! This isn’t happening!

“In your dreams, you stupid idiot.”

“HEY! Stupid and idiot only means the same.”

“I did not touch you! You dream too big. That dream of yours is so high that you can’t even reach it even if you effin drunk!”

“A strong denial is a strong confirmation!” I screamed. TAKE THAT! HUHUHU.

“What the f?! You want me to be calm at this point of time?! Sheesh! You’re accusing me of rape, and you expect me to be calm and act like ‘I-don’t-know-what-you’re-talking-about’?!” he yelled back. 

“ did I get here?!” 

“Damn, you don’t remember anything?”

“If I do, I wouldn’t have asked.”

“Fck it,” he cussed, “You were being harassed by a guy and I just saved your shitty ass last night. You were asleep the whole travel and I don’t know where your house is at all. So I decided you let you in for a night. Calm down though, I slept at the guest room. Jeez.”

“LIAR! But you could’ve just let me sleep at the guest room so you can sleep here and you can just wake me up to ask where my house is!” I argued.

“You didn’t wake up. I tried to wake you up and it’s worth the shot.” he simply says. 

“Are you sure? You didn’t touch me at all, hmmm?” I glared at him.

He combed his fingers on his hair frustratedly, “Stand up.” I did.  He examined me, and he shook his head like he was disappointed. “You’re not my ideal lady, Haruno.” he said. “And too flat.” he added as my eyes widened and I covered my ‘you-know-what-it-is-part’ with my hands and frowned.

“SINCE WHEN DID YOU ACT LIKE THAT?! YOU... YOU BECAME PERVY LIKE NARUTO!!!! ARGH!” That made him stop though. I don’t know why. I didn’t say something bad, right? But that made the situation awkward. 

He shook his head. “I didn’t, okay?” he said as he went near me and gave me a pink dress. “I bought that. Wear it. I know you smell like alcohol. You’re coming with me to the office. After you take a shower, go down, breakfast is ready.” and with that, he slammed the door. 

Is that even the Sasuke I knew?

Oh well. Good to know that I still have my V-card. 

But... I accused my boss with something like that. I’m stupid. Ugh.


After I take I shower, I looked at the clock. It was already quarter to 9. I’m late for work, but as Sasuke said, I would come with him. I dressed, fixed myself, and took my bag. I went downstairs and saw Sasuke, eating in the dining room.

“Good morning, Mr. Boss!” I greeted. Let’s start over. Pretend like you don’t know about the arguement with the V-card thing. 

He didn’t answer. He didn’t even glanced at me. Snobbish much? Well, at least he’s back to his old self. I took a sit, and started eating. We just ate quietly and the awkward atmosphere covered us again. Maybe because of what happened earlier? Shoot. This is stupid. 

“Are you the only one who lives here?” His house, I mean mansion, is really big. 

He just nodded. Maybe Itachi is not living with him. Ohwell. Not my business so I guess I shouldn’t ask about it. I wouldn’t want my boss to call me nosy like what Itachi said. 

After we ate, we went to his car. His fantastic red ferrari, and drove. 

“Oh by the way, thanks, sir.”

Another nod. 

Nodding gestures. Alright.

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