Delayed update. Wattpad was a jerk.
"So, how are you?" Naruto asked, sitting on his swivel chair before flashing his signature grin. He then gestured his visitor to occupy the seat across him, which the guest gladly accepted. The blond Uzumaki removed the piles of papers on his desk, cleaning it up and hiding them on the drawers to have a more decent conversation with the man in front of him.
"I could ask you the same thing." The visitor replied in a lazy manner.
Naruto childishly frowned at that, "Can you just tell me why you're here, Shikamaru?"
The lazy pineapple-head shrugged nonchalantly, propping his back against the seemingly expensive chair. He then took out a small pamphlet from his pocket, giving it to his friend afterwards.
"Something tells me that you need someone to talk to," Shikamaru added.
Naruto stared curiously at the pamphlet, slightly raising an eyebrow. "What is this?"
"Just open it."
And he did.
He saw tons of advertisements on the small book, including the Uzumaki Corporation, Uchiha, Nara and Hyūga. Not that it was new; they were used to it. Their companies were always featured every year in articles and reports.
But he noticed a peculiar page.
There was a picture of two people together who was facing back, and there was a long caption and report underneath it.
And it was no other than Sakura and Sasuke.
"Rumor has it that they're dating," The Nara said, "And I'm quite sure you already know it."
Shikamaru knew about the blond's real affection when it comes to Haruno Sakura. No wait, everyone knew. It just always occured to them that she might never return the same feelings; and they didn't want Naruto to feel rejected in the most possible way.
He hoped that Naruto wouldn't be upset about the rumor; if ever it was true. It will be such a shame to the Uzumaki's side if he finds out about his friends' relationship through the media, and not personally.
Expecting a sad rant from the sun-kissed haired man, the Nara prodigy was surprised to hear a chuckle from Naruto himself.
"Yeah, I know. I even helped Sasuke-teme!" He exclaimed in a jubilant demeanor. "I gave him a plan to win Sakura's heart!"
"Wait, wait- you're not affected?"
"What? No. Man, I can't believe it's been two days since they became official but look, they're already in the news! Sometimes, media people are a pain in the ass-"
"Okay, shut up," Shikamaru silenced him by tapping his desk with the use of his right hand. "So you don't-"
"I'm happy for them, Shikamaru." He suddenly intervened, sincerity laced on his voice. "They love each other and that's enough to make me happy. If I have time to look back, I'd rather look forward than to stop moving and stay sad about the past."
A small smile of understanding crept into the lazy guy's lips, affirmative that his friend has finally moved on.
"But don't worry, you and Ino can be together again. All I need is a good plan to bring you back together-"
"I'm leaving. Bye." In an instant, Shikamaru left the Uzumaki's office, irritated. On the other hand, Naruto was trying his best to hold his laughter.
The sun started to set as the usual blue sky began to fade into a color of orange. The sun was soon hidden and the entire sky was full of darkness and shining stars in a second.
Sakura has finished her work and it was finally time to head off. Marching to her boss' workplace, she knocked trice on the door, asking for Sasuke's permission to go inside.
But instead to hear his usual response, she heard a crashing noise which came from her boyfriend's office.
Terrified, she twisted the doorknob. However, she was not able to open it since it was locked.
"For Kami's sake, what's going on?" Sakura hissed under her breath, still forcing the door to open.
She was freaking out, and she did not know why. Sakura is aware that she's scared that something bad might be happening inside, and she is undoubtedly nervous. But there was another feeling that consumes her... and it was sadness.
The pinkette didn't understand her emotions. All she wants is to open the damn door and see Sasuke.
Unintentionally, common voices reached her ears.
Sasuke's voice... and Itachi's.
The Haruno couldn't hear their exact words; but it was evident that the two were having a misunderstanding.
After a few moments, the door swung open, revealing Sakura's former boss with his usual calm and collective aura.
"I-Itachi," was the only thing that the pinkette could respond.
She was too dumbfounded at the moment. She knows that these two usual fight because of business and some other personal things, but why were there crashing noises? Surely, Itachi wouldn't go that far. They wouldn't hurt each other.
"Oh, Sakura," The older Uchiha uttered. "Sasuke's inside his office. He's waiting for you."
Wordless, the pink-haired secretary gave a plain nod. "I-I see."
Sakura hurriedly made her way to her boyfriend, while Itachi exited the corporation. Inside, she saw a broken vase, scattered papers, and a frustrated-looking Sasuke.
The ravenette averted his gaze to the emerald-eyed lady, releasing a quick sigh afterwards.
He grabbed her hand and stared at her intently.
"Come with me, I'll take you somewhere."
Omg so sorry for not updating and I'm also sorry for the sloppy/short chapter. I'm in a hurry as usual. XD this chap didn't make any sense for you did it lol.
anyways, I should have updated this weeks ago, but Wattpad was such a helpful jerk and it helped me by deleting my updates, how nice right? - 3 - )
Oh and for those who are wondering, Ino and Shikamaru had a relationship. I revealed it on chap6 or 7 I think. But the reason why they broke up is still unknown ;)
Anyway, June was a very busy month for me, considering that it's my first year in high school and I'm still adjusting. Bruh what on earth can someone teach me algebra ; n ;
I also made some friends too, so yup :-D
So here's the thing, my first summative test at school is on July 8 and 9. So, yes, I won't be very active because I'm gonna have to study. But my acquaintance party is on July 10 oh em geee
ehem btw my birthday is on 27--//slapped
kbai =3=
But before you stop reading this worthless author's note, I'd like to tell you all that I accept criticisms, and I would appreciate it if you guys comment down what I need to improve or to avoid and things like that. Whether it's destructive or constructive, writers learn from those things, so. :)
Thanks for reading! <3

False Hope (Modern SasuSaku Fanfiction)
FanfictionThree Uchiha Corporations around the world-Sakura Haruno works on one of them owned and supervised by Itachi Uchiha. One time, she was fired and she was forced to find a new job. There was two Uchiha Corporations at Japan, and one on America. She a...