Chapter 26: The Investigation Begins!

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"Heartland! Heartland! Everyone loves Heartland! Everyone has fun at Heartland!"

Pyrrha smiled fondly as Jaune and Nora sang in a childlike kickline through Team JNPR's room, the two Ra Yellows' golden jackets flapping throughout their dance. Floating in the air beside the two, Astral made some stilted attempts to mimic their energetic movements.

A few weeks after the promotion exams, the beginning of semester classes had finally settled down enough for the Beacon student body to make some extensive recreational plans. For Team JNPR, that meant finally getting the chance to celebrate their team leader's successful promotion… and recovery from the injuries incurred during that promotion.

"I could have sworn those two were crying uncle to that Oobleck essay an hour ago," Yang chuckled, the blonde and the Invincible Girl leaning against Team RWBY's doorframe as they observed Jaune and Nora. "Heartland's Funzone Pizzaria really that exciting for them?"

"According to Nora, it'll be the first time she and Ren will be inside one without… well…"

"Getting chased out?"

Pyrrha winced. "Nora assured me that they were always able to get good scraps."

"Well then they'll love the full pies," Yang said. "Just make sure you go to the one in the southern district. Bit of a further trek, but the sauce is way better."

"Ren's checking out a school runner now for him and Nora now. I'll take Jaune on Argus Chariot," Pyrrha grinned. "Are you sure you guys don't want to join us? The more friends the merrier."

"Sorry, P-Money," Yang replied, poking her head into her team's room, where Blake was kneeling over her bed, her Fusion Monsters spread out over the blankets. "Blake's got word of a White Fang rally in the east district. She and Ruby are gonna cover it while Weiss and I are gonna check in with an information broker I know."

Pyrrha frowned, her brow creased with worry. "Are you guys sure you want to do this?"

"Blake would just do it alone if we put it off any longer. Besides, who doesn't love cracking some bad guys' skulls?" Yang said with a jaunty smirk. "You guys sure you don't want to join in the fun?"

"I think we'll have to have to side with pizza," Pyrrha replied, though her frown did not leave her lips. "Unless you guys need backup–"

"Ah! No, you don't. You want to spend a fun night out with your team, no dueling required," Yang cheekily declared, wagging her finger in front of her redheaded friend. "No talking yourself into being the Invincible Girl when you don't want to be. Go make goo-goo eyes at Jaune like your heart desires."

Pyrrha flushed red and pouted, somewhat regretted having confided her growing feelings for her partner to her blonde friend. "I do not make goo-goo eyes."

"You do. It's cute. Be cuter if you asked him out though. Which tonight would be your perfect chance for."

"But what if–"

"Relax. I'll make sure my team gets what we need," Yang said, she pulled out a card from her deck box, proudly showing Clear Wing Synchro Dragon off to Pyrrha. "Remember, you're not the only one who's been chosen by a kickass magic monster."

The blonde's easy humor dragged a hearty giggle from the Mistralian champion. "Have you been able to summon it yet?"

"Eh, it's a work in progress," Yang admitted, teetering her hand from side to side before stowing her beautiful silver dragon back in her deck box. "But hey, I spent nearly a decade getting that card just right for that thing to jump in. What's a month or two to figure out how to manifest it right? I mean, it may not be Stardust Dragon, but it definitely looks like it and if it's related to Weiss and Blake's dragons, then it'll be packing plenty of magic when it takes the field. It's worth getting right, just like Ruby and her Link Summoning training."

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