Chapter 1: Helgen

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It is Sundas the seventeenth of the Last Seed in the year of 201 of the fourth era. Our story begins on a cold and brisk morning within the country known as Skyrim.

The wind was strong, and the fog was thick, and the sun was beaming across the sky somewhat blotted out by the clouds.

Towards the rolling mountain ranges, a convoy consisting of numerous soldiers rides the road leading to a major settlement. A convoy belonging to the Empire, and they are transporting what appears to be prisoners to their selected destination.

It was a long journey, and our protagonist of this story is among the incarcerated in the prison cart among several others. He is a young Nordic male with long blond hair, short and shaved beard and had an athletic muscular body. This Nord was slumped over on the side, sleeping the whole trip despite his situation.

On the road, the cart transporting the prisoners was rocked by a pothole waking up the Nord as his sapphire irised eyes opened slowly. He groaned and slowly sat up from his side, and his vision was blurry from waking up too quickly.

As the Nord acclimated, he heard a male voice greeting him, it was one of the prisoners.

"Hey you. You're finally awake." Said the male voice.

The Nord gazed upon the man as he collected his thoughts. The man was also a Nord, he had similar long blonde hair, blue eyes but had a slightly more grown beard. He wore a cuirass with blue cloth and the Nord couldn't make it out.

As the journey pressed on, the cold air whipped around hitting in their direction as the convoy would reach an overpass to their destination.

"Ugh. My head...... What happened?" Said the Nord as he looked around and realized that he was being transported by numerous imperial soldiers, shackled like a rabid animal and was wearing typical prisoner garb as opposed to what he wore prior.

'You were trying to cross the border, right? Walked right into the ambush, same as us and that horse thief over there.' The fellow Nord replied as our protagonist fully recollected himself as another voice answered.

"Damn you Stormcloaks. Skyrim was fine until you came along. Empire was nice and lazy. If they hadn't been looking for you, I could've stolen that horse and been halfway to Hammerfell. You there... You and me, we shouldn't be here. It's these Stormcloaks the Empire wants." Said the horse thief.

The Nord looked over to the prisoner that was pointed out as a 'horse thief' and chose not to respond. He could sense the panic and frustration from the guy, but he sympathized with the thief's outrage. Our protagonist thought to himself as the conversation continued among the prisoners, he was unsure why he was arrested as the Nord wasn't among this band.

His memory was non-existent of how he ended up in this predicament, and before his arrival at Skyrim in this matter. He ultimately couldn't remember who he was in the entirety of his life.

"We're all brothers and sisters in binds now, thief." Said the blond-haired prisoner, trying to make light of the situation.

One of the imperial soldiers driving the prison cart looked over his shoulders in frustration. "Shut up back there!" The soldier shouted in reply to the prisoners.

The group fell silent for a few seconds and the sounds of the winds grew stronger as the convoy pressed on.

"And what's wrong with him, huh?" Said the horse thief breaking the silent as he objectified one of the prisoners. This one was bound and gagged, but he wore a fancy fur trimmed cloak worthy of a noble or jarl.

The blond-haired prisoner grew angry at the comment. "Watch your tongue. You're speaking to Ulfric Stormcloak, the true High King." He lashed out at the thief.

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