Chapter 10: Heroes

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They both gazed in each other's eyes, and lightly chuckled after surviving such an onslaught.

"Looks like we've won, and Markarth had been saved." Dovahkiin said, feeling relieved by his heroics. "Seems so....... You did well. Also, what was that power that you had earlier, with the storm? I was so worried about you....... I have so many questions right now." Gwen pouted with keen interest while catching her breath. "Ok, ok. I'll explain myself. Maybe we can unwind with a drink and a nice bath, eh?" Dovahkiin offered wanting to relax after the complete fiasco that everyone had been through.

"Heh, you're speaking my language.........I'd like that." Gwen accepted with a blushing smile. Dovahkiin got up and gave Gwen a hand and helped her up from the ground. "I'm impressed on how well you fought; even though you can barely stand." Dovahkiin said playfully. "Ha! Says the Nord who got his thrown around throughout the fight." Gwen replied mocking him.

They both laughed and smirked at each other after surviving, then silence ensued. Gwen and the Dragonborn moved toward each other to kiss but were quickly interrupted by some guards and Silverblood soldiers, even the Jarl of Markarth himself coming from the gate to help them out.

"Are you two, ok? We came as soon as we could after the fighting." Jarl Igmund asked with concern but was relieved to see that Borkul the Beast had been defeated by the Nord and Altmer.

Gwen sighed and pouted that their kiss was interrupted but was patient and replied. "We're good, exhausted but good. We took care of it." Gwen replied. "Thank the Divines that such a threat was thwarted because I didn't realize how bad it was until the fighting broke out." Jarl Igmund added. A stranger came from the group, a man by the name of Thonar Silverblood. "Regardless, we won and all of you who were involved in the city's defense are now heroes of Markarth. This calls for celebration, especially for the Dragonborn himself." Thonar stepped in.

"If it weren't for him, we wouldn't have gotten the drop on them in time apologies for your false incarceration with my agents, we didn't know what your intentions were." Thonar digressed, feeling sorry. The crowd of guards and soldiers looked Thonar at what he said, and the Jarl was shocked that such corruption happened from underneath him. "Who are you?" Gwen asked. "I am Thonar Silverblood of the Silverblood family and I apologize greatly for incarcerating the Dragonborn himself." He replied.

"It's fine......I understand, you wanted to keep the peace in the realm." Dovahkiin forgave Thonar, despite what happened. "I thank you for your mercy, with your actions you have cleared your name......Dovahkiin." Thonar bowed in respect for the hero's mercy. Jarl Igmund stepped in.

"It's all water under the bridge, despite the whole corruption....... we deal with that later. Now, I call forth a feast and festivities for the heroes and newfound friends. We can finally go over what in the God's name happened here today." Jarl Igmund jokingly said and declared.

"I am in, besides we have lots to discuss with the investigation anyways." Ondolemar said from the rear of the crowd. "Then it's settled, everyone I thank you for your bravery. Meet me at the underkeep hall in a couple of days and the celebration will take place. For now, drinks all around at the Silverblood in, my treat." Jarl Igmund said with great confidence. The crowd of soldiers and guards cheered and made way to the inn for the free drinks.

Seconds later, it was just Gwen, Dovahkiin and Ondolemar at the gate contemplating and piecing together the whole situation. "Heh. Well, they certainly wanted free drinks after the threat that they had defeated." Ondolemar joked.

"Uncle, you seem to be in a great mood." Gwen replied, laughing at him. "Well...... I am now, since my job just got a whole lot easier....... thanks to your friend here, the Dragonborn himself." Ondolemar added pointing at Dovahkiin. Dovahkiin tensed a bit from what Ondolemar said.

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