Chapter 6: Downtime

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As the night continues, the female Thalmor Soldier sighs in defeat. "Looks like it's going to be another lonely night......again." She said to herself and continued leaning on the wall at the trading building across from the inn, feeling lonely.

Suddenly she noticed that the Nord from earlier was heading in the direction of the Silverblood Inn entrance and was going in for a drink.

"Hmmmm? It's the Dragonborn........ now we're talking, maybe this will be a great night after all." The female Thalmor Soldier thought to herself blushing about the Dragonborn and then follows to meet him inside.

The Dragonborn sits at an open stool near the bar to order a drink. Kleppr and the owner of the inn noticed.

"Welcome to the Silverblood Inn, the name's Kleppr. What will it be?" Said the bartender. "Hmmm...... something simple, got any mead? I want something good to deal with the incident that happened earlier today." The Dragonborn digressed.

"I heard....... poor Margret. Luckily, a hero like you saved her from that creep. Here have some Honningbrew Mead, on the house." Kleppr offered. "On no, I couldn't." The Dragonborn refused, he couldn't take a reward for saving someone's life.

"I insist, consider it a small reward for your heroics." Said Kleppr. "Well.... Thank you ......." The Dragonborn expressed his thanks and took off his helmet and placed it on the bar to drink.

As long it's something of lesser value, like food or drinks and not valuable property.

Dovahkiin looks around and is impressed by the décor of the inn. The entire city definitely has history and quality. At least the inn was cozy enough apart from the rumors that Markarth has stone beds.

A couple of minutes later, the Female Thalmor Soldier walks into the inn to meet with the Dragonborn. She sees him but is quickly interrupted by the bartender of the inn. "Hey, hey, we do not serve your kind here knife ears. Especially from the likes of the Thalmor!" Kleppr shouted at her, and all the patrons looked at the High Elf.

Dragonborn looked over his shoulder to see who it was, it was the female High Elf fully kitted in Elven Armor only this wearing a fur cloak for over her armor for warmth. She was looking at him and that he was checking out earlier.

The female Thalmor Soldier noticed that he was looking over at her, for which she blushes and walks over to the Dragonborn to sit next to him, ignoring Kleppr.

"Is this seat taken?" She asked with her snobby accent. The Dragonborn blushed as well. "W..., it isn't Come sit." The Dragonborn replies with some stutters. The female Thalmor soldier lightly chuckled a bit and takes a seat next to him. She leans forward thinking on how to break the ice.

"Thank you, at least someone here has some manners. So....... you must be the one who saved the woman from that terrorist in the marketplace?" She asked with such an alluring voice, playing with him because she knows who he is.

The Dragonborn blushed some more. "Y.... yes, honestly, I am glad that I was there to save the woman in time. It happened so fast" The Dragonborn replied getting nervous and attracted to the High Elf. "Despite the situation, you handled it quickly and professionally." She added.

"T... Thank you. So....... You were at the Jarls throne room earlier?" He asked. "I was, let's just say that I'm on official business and all that." She smiled and explained while leaving out crucial information to strangers. The Dragonborn fell silent for a bit.

"Apologies, where are my manners. I haven't introduced myself. I'm Gwenivere, but my associates call me Gwen and.......... it's good to see you again Dovahkiin." She introduced herself since she didn't do so when they first met.

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