Chapter 3: The Rescue

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As the darkness of a windy night fell over the region, the Dragonborn had just saved a mysterious Altmer on the side of the road in the direction of Markarth.

He aided her life-threatening injuries and is now helping her once more, to save the driver of the stagecoach who was said to be held for ransom by the Forsworn who ambushed the High Elf.

On the stagecoach, our hero waits for the mysterious High Elf to change out of the red uniform she wore from underneath her Gilded Elven Armor in privacy.

Dovahkiin leans on the stagecoach waiting for her to be finished. Five minutes have passed, and the Nord grows a bit restless as he is eager to save the carriage driver. "Are you almost ready? It isn't getting any lighter out here." The Dragonborn asked with some impatience.

"Almost done." The High Elf replied with a song-like tone. "Besides, the cover of darkness should help us in a stealthier approach if we're to rescue the driver unscathed." She added from the side of the carriage.

Dovahkiin nodded in agreement of the Altmer's suggestion. "Well......hurry up." He jested to her as the Nord heard a chuckle from the other side.

"Fine, I'll just go slower....... The driver can wait then. The Forsworn want him for a ransom anyways, so he isn't going nowhere." She said sarcastically to play with the Dragonborn as she looked for a fresh uniform while completely naked in all her High Elf beauty and out of view of her Nordic savior.

The High Elf retrieved her newer red gambeson that wasn't torn and covered in blood she retrieved from a fancy box on the stagecoach.

Before she put on her uniform, she inspected her stomach and placed her right hand where her grievous stab wound was. She pondered the intimate feeling she felt when the Dragonborn used the advanced healing magic to mend the wound. On how good it felt even though he didn't mean to use the spells too hard.

The Altmer rather liked it, even though it was an accident and she blushed just thinking about it. She snapped out of it then slipped on her red gambeson and Gilded Elven Armor afterwards.

She equipped her Elven Helmet, Bow and arrows and walked over to where Dovahkiin was waiting to respect her privacy.

Before she finished, the High Elf took out a gilded amulet of sorts from her fancy trunk next to the stagecoach.

She closed her eyes and prayed to the amulet and took a deep breath and wrapped it around her hands.

"Watch over me Akatosh......and thank you for blessing me with this stranger.... hopefully my luck has become to turn for the better...." She whispered to herself praying to her deity, then the amulet around her neck over her armor.

"Ready to go?" The Dragonborn asked the High Elf, seeing her in a fresh uniform along with her full set of golden Elven Armor compared to what happened to her prior.

"Ready when you are 'Dragonborn', I am curious to see if the legends are true and hopefully, you're not pretending." She boasted to the Nord, and he understood her skepticism, as anyone can make that claim. But he had the Way of the Voice, he had the Thu'um to prove to it.

"Hopefully you hold up to your promise and tell me your name." Dovahkiin winked at her, which made her blush.

Dovahkiin noticed the amulet that the Altmer is wearing but didn't question it.

For now, it was up to him and her to save the stagecoach driver that was captured for ransom.

"Come, they dragged him this way towards Karthspire." She pointed at the ruins within the mountainside.

"Lead the way." Dovahkiin replied as he put on his Steel Plate Helmet.

They made their way over to the location and they could see numerous pitched up tents with light glowing throughout the dark of night.

Forbidden Love: A Dragonborn and Thalmor - Volume 1 (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now