Chapter 2: At First Sight

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Itis now the fifteenth of Hearthfire and the Dragonborn has embarked on hisjourney from the Greybeards at High Hrothgar. A quest to retrieve an artifactknown as the Horn of Jorgen Windcaller as he seeks to get stronger to defeatAlduin the World Eater.

A lot had happened since that fateful day in Helgen, so much destruction, so much death. Our hero can't stop as the fate of the world rests on his shoulders.

It was evening as the sun slowly descended over the horizon and mountain ranges. The sound of birds and roaring winds can be heard in the surrounding area of Rorikstead. It was also very foggy on this day and visibility was limited.

Our protagonist got out of bed and stretched for around a minute then he went over to the opposite end of the rented room to put on his gear. He didn't realize that he fell asleep for most of the day, so he made haste to make up for lost time.

The Dragonborn was equipped with a unique set of Reinforced Steel Plate Armor, a set worthy of a hero apart from your standard armor. One by one he equipped each separate pieces which took almost 10 minutes.

This set was reminiscent of an angelic knight with decorative engravings on each plating and wore a deep red cape with an insignia of a yellow dragon. It wasn't bulky by any means compared to regular armor as it is a custom fit for the wearer.

Afterwards, the Dragonborn grabbed his weapons and traveling pack and opened the door. He walked out and was greeted by the owner of the inn, who had a look of concern on his face.

"Evening Dovahkiin, I trust that you slept well in the room?" The innkeeper questioned.

"To be honest Erik, I had trouble sleeping but the bed was more than comfortable. Thank you." The Dragonborn replied.

"Aye it sounded like you did, with your night terror last night, given how long you've been sleeping. Anything happen?" Erik inquired.

The Nord felt a sense of embarrassment by what happened last night, but the innkeeper was trying to be friendly to the newly formed hero.

"It's a long story....... let's just say that it was about the incident that happened at Helgen a month ago." Dovahkiin answered, not willing to go into detail.

The innkeeper nodded and understood his plight as he, among many others across Skyrim and beyond heard of what went down in Helgen.

"Due tell.........tell me, what was Alduin like? Is he like what the legends describe him to be?" Erik asked, genuinely curious about his encounter with the dragon.

Dovahkiin then had a small flashback, looking back at the destruction and death that Alduin had caused.

"He's unlike anything anyone's seen in a very long time, he rained down death and destruction to Helgen showing no mercy. Hopefully in the end, I defeat him once and for all....... just like the prophecies the Greybeards told me." The Dragonborn explained, given that it's difficult to really describe the dragon.

Erik sighed in fear at what the hero said. "Well, based on what people have told me, you already defeated a dragon at the watchtower at Whiterun, so I'd say you'd have a fighting chance." The innkeeper joked, making light of a grim fate the world will face if the Dragonborn fails.

Our protagonist looks at the innkeeper, understanding his fear that was disguised as humor.

"A fighting chance, eh? That's rather optimistic, but I'll do my best to slay Alduin......" Dovahkiin responded.

The Nord then took out 200 hundred Septims to give the innkeeper as a tip for his service, even though it was just for a room for a night. He places the money on the counter, catching the innkeeper off guard for this random act of charity.

Forbidden Love: A Dragonborn and Thalmor - Volume 1 (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now