Chapter 11: Peace and Tranquility

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All is quiet and peaceful in the Dwarven bathhouse. Gwen slipped into a fancy white and gold bathing suit that hugged the center of her body except her arms and legs.

The most prominent feature that is turning on the Dragonborn, Gwen's pushed up medium sized breasts and curved assets, being hugged the most by her suit. Whatever game of temptation his newfound lover is playing at, lowkey showing off her body to him in all her glory. Must be an Altmer thing, but regardless it is working.

"Do you always flaunt yourself with your dates?" Dovahkiin inquired, blushing obviously about Gwen's sexy appearance and demeanor. "Only with the cute ones, my Nordic've been so kind and compassionate with me since we first met, so I want to return the favor." Gwen inquired, smiling about Dovahkiin stating the obvious of what she's doing. "Now, since we're dressed in our bathing undergarments. Let's grab our confectionaries and head on in." Gwen said, which is sounding good to Dovahkiin.

Gwen reached into the rucksack and grabbed a golden box with a fancy-looking sun logo on it. The Dragonborn is curious about what she had bought because they were in fancy boxes and Gwen quickly put them in rucksack, when they were shopping.

Imports? Fancy food or drinks? Won't know until she reveals it to him. But he remained patient. Gwen gestured him to follow to the doors. "This way handsome, oh and be sure to grab some towels." Gwen said with her alluring accent. "Yes ma'am." Dovahkiin said with a smile, making Gwen blush.

They walked into the moonpool room, they were dumbstruck to see how huge it was along with the amazing Dwarven architecture and on the corners of the room are the hot water pits. And the scenery of the waterfall covering a huge cavern and river system in the background alone blew anything that Gwenivere had experienced out of the water.

Even the very air was cool but moist, by just feeling it which is common in bathhouses.

"By Akatosh, I wasn't expecting this place to be so......... fancy, awe inspiring and enormous." Gwen said taking in the scenery, especially the waterfall and cavern. "You're telling me......I've never seen anyplace like it. And the Dwarves built this place? Within the cavern?" Dovahkiin said in reply, agreeing with Gwen on the bathhouse's beauty.

"So....... what do you want to do first the moonpool or hot bathes?" Gwen asked, looking so eager, holding the golden box. "Hmmm......let's try the hot bathes." Dovahkiin said with curiosity. Gwen smiled at that answer.

"Skipping to the fun part, eh?" Gwen said with a playful look. Dovahkiin's face turned red and tried to utter another word. He felt embarrassed that he was the Dragonborn of legend and out of all his experiences and people he had faced or met in his journey so far. Dovahkiin never met someone like Gwenivere, despite her being a Altmer.

To him, he didn't know what to do, he felt conflicted, he was never in a relationship, and from the looks of it neither did her. Gwen saw that he was being shy, she giggled and grabbed his hand, while placing the golden box next to the hot bath in the other. "Having second thoughts?" Gwen said, trying to comfort Dovahkiin. "It's not that....... I just never been in a relationship before......I don't know what to do." Dovahkiin replied with sincere honesty and was blushing by Gwen's flawless good looks.

Gwen smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek, then placed her right hand caressing it. Both Gwen and the Dragonborn locked eyes for a few seconds, reading each other's body language. They both want each other. "It's ok darling......besides, you're the first Nord I've dated in my entire life. So, you and I are in the same boat." Gwen assured him with her alluring accent and sweet blushing smile. "Uh. How old are you?" Dovahkiin said jokingly, with Gwen giving him a light tap on his cheek that she was caressing. "It's rude to ask a lady her age......but it's understandable. Since I'm an Altmer........maybe once we get closer in our relationship, then I'll tell you. Deal?" Gwen said playfully rubbing his firm chest.

Forbidden Love: A Dragonborn and Thalmor - Volume 1 (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now