Chapter 5: Markarth

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Morning has risen, and Dovahkiin awoken from his sleep at the camp, the sounds of birds chirping, and the warming of the sun towards the clear sky beat down on the camp.

He soon realized that there was a note placed on his face with an Amulet of Akatosh on his chest and that she and the carriage driver Kibell had left some time ago, while he was asleep. He read it and it was from the High Elf from last night.

The note read.

'Dear stranger, I am grateful to have met you and your help on the road. I regret to leave you, but my journey must continue. I left you my amulet as a reward even though you didn't want it. Hopefully, we'll meet again someday. Thank you for your kindness and compassion. Sincerely, a friend.'

He pondered on what she meant in the note and why she left it on his face out of all placed. But he shook it off and was glad to help her out. He looked at the Amulet of Akatosh and wondered what she was, a soldier? A priest?

Whatever and whoever she was, the Dragonborn blushes at the gesture and puts it on to remember her by and then packs up to continue on the road going forward. There was something about her that our hero couldn't figure out. As if there was something more than just being a warrior.

For a High Elf, she sure had a sense of humor for leaving a note for him to read on his face while he slept.

No matter, he packed up the essentials from the remains from the camp and mounted his trusty steed Maximus and headed towards the direction of Markarth. Before he proceeded, the Dragonborn felt like he was being watched. He looked around as he moved forward and couldn't find the source of this feeling.

So he pressed on with his journey to Markarth, the City of Stone, to stock up on necessary supplies towards his quest given to him by his masters of High Hrothgar, the Greybeards.

Out his sight, there was an owl who was watching him perched on a tree from afar. The very same owl that the mysterious High Elf saw last night. What was this owl? And why it was watching them?

Ten minutes have passed of slow and steady horseback travel, and our Hero continues, approaching with caution within the region as the Forsworn could be around the corner.

Dovahkiin still was pondering about both the Horn of Jorgen Windcaller and the High Elf. There was something about her that he finds to be both charming and elegant.

As most Altmer he's encountered, she's truly unique. If only she had told him her name as promised.

Hours go by on the cold and crisp day, the Dragonborn decides to make camp for the night, so he can continue his way to Markarth soon as the sun descends on the horizon. Fortunately, he hadn't encountered any Forsworn on the trail, getting any bright ideas.

As night falls after traveling down the final road leading to the city, he lays a bedroll on the ground and lays next to his horse, he looks up at the night sky and sees the stars and the two moons. Since that fateful day, the Nord still is reminiscing about the High Elf that he met and took out the Amulet of Akatosh from his satchel that this Elf gave him as thanks for saving her.

Our hero wonders why of all gods that the Altmer worship, this chose the Akatosh. What was the story behind that. He sighs, puts on the amulet to remember her and goes to sleep.

By the next morning, the Dragonborn arrives at the outskirts of the city. The surrounding environment was both rugged and beautiful.

Soon, he had arrived near the gates of the city and saw Kibell at the stables helping the owner and hired help tend to the local horses. After traveling for some time on the road it was comforting to see a familiar face.

Forbidden Love: A Dragonborn and Thalmor - Volume 1 (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now