Chapter 8: The Forsworn King

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At the Understone Keep, the Dragonborn had agreed to aid the local Thalmor stationed in Markarth with their problem catching a fugitive.

"Where should I start?" Dovahkiin asked. "Start with the Shrine of Talos. There are reports of shady activity there. I would go there, but our investigation is to be classified and not to be shared with anyone." Ondolemar suggested. Dovahkiin bows in respect and makes his way out to start his search, with Evanius escorting him out. With the Dragonborn out of the room, Ondolemar gives Gwen a sharp look.

"Don't think that this is over Gwenivere. It is clear that you have a thing for him, and just be glad that I'm not one to judge." Ondolemar digressed sternly. Gwen then looks embarrassed and tries to respond. "I'm sorry......Uncle, I'll will back off from him......" Gwen replied, feeling defeated.

"What for? Apart from this heresy, you've actually acquired yourself such a valuable prize, such as him. If he succeeds and since he really is a Dragonborn, he could be quite and asset. On top of that most agents form these "relationships" with their assets as a tactic to further their goals, so it might work out." Ondolemar added, explaining to great detail of how their organization performs their missions. Gwen looks shocked by his response.

"'re not mad at me for falling for a Nord?" Gwen questioned, with embarrassment.

Ondolemar sighs. "No....... It's fine Gwenivere, I'm just shocked by this situation. There have always been interracial relationships for a long time, albeit rare it is just that the Thalmors policies for genetic purity forbit it and dictates it with ridiculous extremism. Even though he clearly cares about you, I don't want my niece to be hurt under my watch, or other agents to get the wrong idea. Be sure to stick with the relationship tactic as a cover." He warned, trusting her judgement.

Gwen eases up and gives Ondolemar a subtle smile. "Thank you, Uncle....... For understanding." Gwen said and both gave each other a hug.

Soon after, Dovahkiin arrives outside of the keep and remembers about the mysterious stranger that gave him the letter. This could be a lead to help their search. He opens the note that reads "Meet me at the Shrine of Talos at midnight. Come alone." He makes his way to the shrine to meet with the contact. Dovahkiin sees him and has so many questions.

"At last, you have arrived, you weren't followed?" The stranger asked with some concern. "No, I wasn't. Why am I here, who are you?" Asked the Dragonborn.

"We need to make this quick, I am Eltrys, and I am investigating the presence of the Forsworn here in Markarth. Some call me crazy, but I know something isn't right in this city." Eltrys explained. "So, the woman being attacked in the marketplace by that terrorist isn't a coincidence?" Dovahkiin questioned, trying to piece everything together.

"Yes, and I discovered that he isn't the only one in the city, and I need your help with my investigation." Eltrys stated. "What's in it for me, you must give me some of the details to trust you. Who else is involved?" Dovahkiin asked. "Promise me that you'll not snitch, I already have the city guards on their radar about me snooping around asking questions." Eltrys. "I promise, you have my word." The Dragonborn ensured.

Eltrys sighs. "Ok.........during my investigation, I have discovered that a prominent person by the name of Nepos the Nose, and I don't who his collaborators are at the moment, but only one." Eltrys explained. "Who's the one?" Dovahkiin asked. "Supposedly, a respected family man by the name of Ogmund the Skald, I uncovered that he's been funding with Nepos the Nose towards an insurrection and corrupting some guards to keep things quiet, but that's all I know right now." Eltrys finalized, stressing how serious the conspiracy has become for Markarth.

"I understand, maybe we can help each other out, I'm after Ogmund myself, my employer said not to explain why." Dovahkiin said trying to be discrete. "I see, for a hero I didn't make you for a bounty hunter. Mercenary perhaps?" Eltrys inquired. "You can say that." Dovahkiin replied.

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