Chapter 4: Making Camp

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The night was young, and our Hero has saved two strangers from his travels to Markarth from the clutches of a native people known as the Forsworn.

However, the Dragonborn was expected by the Forsworn to aid them in a quest that involves their king. He agreed only to get out there without incident as the three of them were outnumbered ten to one.

They were lucky to get out there. For now, the three had to make camp to regain their strength and to repair the carriage that was sabotaged.

Among the riverside near Karthspire, Dovahkiin and Kibell fished out the wheel from the water with the help of the High Elf using telekinesis to ease the weight of the vehicle part.

They slowly rolled the wheel up the ridge and placed it onto the stagecoach positioning it to where the axel was.

The three then took a breather as the weight for the wood and steel wheel was a little too much to handle. "By the divines...... could that be any heavier. Even when I used my magic to aid you guys, it still felt cumbersome." The High Elf complained about the manual labor.

"You're not wrong there, but thanks to your magic. We managed to get it up the hill and actually next to the carriage." Kibell praised the Altmer for her help.

"Now......for the hard part....... raising the cart so we can put the wheel on." Dovahkiin stated as he collected himself.

The High Elf pouted but was willing to continue. "Akatosh preserve me....... all right....... let's finish this." She complained as the elf wasn't used to the hard labor.

"What's wrong? Scared of a little manual labor?" Dovahkiin boasted to the Altmer.

This comment made her face lightly blush a faint red and she pouted. "Hmph. If you must know, I'm not a commoner such as yourself....'Dragonborn'. And you fight dragons?" She replied to the Nord, showing off her ego.

"Are you saying that your royalty? Heh, it makes sense on how well kept and snobbish you are." Dovahkiin jested, trying to provoke a reaction from her for whatever reason.

The Altmer rolled her eyes in response to the Nord. Her face was still faintly red but kept her composure to show superiority and self-esteem.

"How dare you....... I take pride to look superiority among you primitives. You should be thankful to even gaze at my presence." She sarcastically stated to Dovahkiin, now giving him a sharp stare.

Before this childish conversation continued, Kibell interrupted so they could start with the repairs.

"Ok lovebirds. Can we get my cart fixed up before dawn? We're not exactly away from Karthspire and wish to get out of here before those Forsworn change their minds." The carriage driver rightfully stated.

Dovahkiin and the High Elf both blush by hearing the word 'lovebird'.

The Altmer took a deep breath before she exploded in retaliation. "He's right......let's just get this over with." She said trying to calm down.

"Agreed......what's the plan?" Dovahkiin asked the carriage driver.

"To start off. We need to hoist up the carriage and put something underneath it so we can put the wheel on." Kibell explained, as there will be more heavy lifting soon.

"Ugh....... more manual labor? What are we going to put underneath it?" The High Elf asked with a huff.

Kibell looks around and sees a heavy wooden crate. "That crate over there might work. Move that underneath while me and the Dragonborn hoist it up. You got it?" The carriage driver said to the High Elf.

Forbidden Love: A Dragonborn and Thalmor - Volume 1 (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now