Forbidden Love - part 13

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Hey readers! Welcome to part 13 of Forbidden Love🌹.  I hope you will enjoy this part! Vote and comment!

A/n pov

After seeing your phone on 2% you quickly charged your phone and went to bed. You turned on the ac and slid your blanket over your head. As it was your first day at a new place, you felt it was hard to fall asleep and turned left and right in order to fall asleep. It took a few minutes for you to fall asleep but when you did you let out soft snores.

Your eyes opened naturally and you started blinking to stay focused, looking around realising it was your new home. You took your phone from charging and looked at the time. It was 5: 37 a.m, so you turned on your back and decided to go back to sleep. But even if you tried to you couldn't. So, you got up and went to the window, you opened it and let the cool breeze hit your face and play with your hair.

You rested your arms on the window sill and enjoyed the beauty of the rising sun. Though it had only been a few minutes after sunrise you could hear little chit chats of people and the chirping of birds , barking of dogs and sounds of many animals. The place you lived now was surrounded by greenery and a lot of helpful neighbours.
Just like the others, you also wanted to stroll about. So, you grabbed your favourite t-shirt and jeans and went to the bathroom.
You got ready in about five minutes and came out the bathroom detangling your hands by running your fingers through the strands. You picked up your brush and started to smooth out your (h/t) hair. You paired your little hairstyle with a cute bow. You took your purse and your phone and went out the door without awaking anyone.

You went out the front door and pushed the button for the elevator, when it arrived on your floor you got in it and smiled getting satisfied by the 'ting' sound of the elevator. 

As you stepped out of the elevator, you felt the warmth of the sun on your skin, and breathed in the fresh air. You decided to take a walk around the neighborhood, enjoying the sights and sounds of the morning. You walked past the park, where children were playing on the swings and the slide. You smiled at them and continued walking.

As you walked, you noticed a small bakery that you had never seen before. The smell of freshly baked bread and pastries wafted through the air, making your mouth water. You decided to go in and take a look.

Inside, the bakery was cozy and warm, with the smell of baking filling the air. The display case was filled with all kinds of delicious treats, from croissants to cupcakes. You couldn't resist and decided to buy a chocolate croissant and a cup of coffee.

As you sat down at a table to enjoy your breakfast, you noticed a man sitting at the table next to you. He was tall and handsome, with dark hair. He had wore a beige over coat and looked like he hadn't got enough sleep. You giggled at his tired face and took a croissant in your hands.

You started munching on it with your phone in hand, sending good morning wishes to your beloved boyfriend. You kept on smiling at your phone that you didn't notice the man looking at you. You looked up to remove your hair from your face and saw him staring at you. You felt awkward and smiled a little. He smiled back and came towards you and took a seat.

"Hey!... You seem new here.." the man said.

"Yes. I just moved here from Busan."

"Great!... By the way...I'm Kim SeokJin"

What a beautiful name,  you wondered. It looked like the name was meant to be for him. You smiled and introduced yourself.

"Y/n. Min Y/n" you said shaking his hand.

"Beautiful!. Where do you live? We can be friends if you want!"

"Yes I would love to be friends! And I just live nearby here! What about you?"

"The building next to this bakery" he said looking out the window across the bakery.

Y/n pov

As we both had our little snack we chatted along and we found out we had a lot in common, he liked the same type of music I liked. Even the last movie we watched was the same. After eating we went to the counter to pay for it. He insisted to pay for mine too. What a nice guy. I thought, but I definitely didn't let him pay, who wants to be in debt.

We both walked out of the bakery and he decided to walk me home. I asked him whether he was a student, he nodded but he was in a different school. He told me he had a dream of becoming a singer, and that he had been called for auditioning.

"That's great! I swear you're going to be the best singer and you're going to have much more fans than any singer! " I said wanting to encourage him. I asked him to sing a line for me.

"Thank you so much y/n! I really appreciate your words~"  he sang while saying it. I laughed and showed a thumbs up.

"Wow your voice is amazing" I said startled.


We walked and talked about many things including how it was in Seoul. He recommended me a lot of places to visit and I was happy as holidays were approaching and I had to go somewhere. Being in Seoul wasn't bad I didn't even get a sad thought about my best friends and Jungkook only happy vibes were released by SeokJin and the environment of this place. I looked around and rubbed my arm as it got quite chilly. I shook it off and we were at my building in a few steps. I turned to face Jin, as he wanted to call me, and bowed to show respect before getting on to the elevator. We decided to meet again after school and I got in the elevator and gave him a slight wave.

( On the other side )

A/n pov

Jungkook had already got out of bed and was sitting at his table all ready, working on his laptop. His servants came in to give him coffee. He took it from them and ordered them to go. As he sat down to complete the work pending he received a call from y/n he picked it up and held the phone between his shoulders and his ear.

"What are you doing babe?" Y/n asked.

"I'm..I'm working" he replied back.

"Oh great! I'm starting school today! And do you know the uniform here is so cute!" She replied with a childish giggle which made Jungkook giggle too.

"Oh! And do you know I'm also thinking I should go to school today!" He said excited.
"Oh! That's awesome I just wish I was there! Well it's time for my school..I'll call you later! Love you!" She hung up the call and Jungkook put down the phone.

He closed his laptop and got changed into his school uniform. As he was done he heard a knock at the door. He called, whoever was there, in. It was his servants.

"Sir, are you planning to go to school today? Shall we inform your father?"

"No thanks, I'll inform him myself"

He packs up his backpack and goes down to meet his dad.

Ok I'm ending this part here. It already has 1317 words so.

I hope you enjoyed this part. Vote and comment. And sorry it took so long.

Love y'all 💜

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