Forbidden Love part- 15

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Hey readers! Welcome back! Sorry for making you wait for a week to get the 15th part...but I'm sure you will like's worth the wait! Enjoy! <3

A week later-

(Jungkook pov)

I heard a faint sound of the bell ringing, I knew it was time to have lunch, or maybe for me, to call y/n. I picked up my lunch and my phone and went straight to the cafeteria. I set my lunch down at the forgotten corners of the lunch area, and dialed up y/n's number. I adored the beauty of her profile pic and smiled widely. I waited and waited for her to pick up but the call ended. My smile dropped, I am sure she picks up on the first ring, but this time it wasn't the case. I tried to call her again but I thought she must be busy. So I put the phone down and assured myself that she was okay.

I finished with my lunch and sat staring at the wall. Suddenly my eyes met with what I assumed to be y/n's eyes. She stared back at me and smiled. I missed that so much, that my eyes started tearing up, a wide smile spread over my face. In a blink of an eye, she vanished. I realized I was hallucinating. I sat with my head on my hands, devastated.

The rest of the day, I sat silent. Like I always did. Though I was present physically at school, my mind hovered around the memories of y/n and I. Slowly and gradually, the teachers came and went, the bell rand few times and the one that denoted the end of school,too, rang. I grabbed my backpack and got out of the school campus, ignoring the fact that I was the first one.

I sat down at the roof of my home, after coming back, and gazed through the passing clouds followed by the sound of honking cars and trucks. I felt my phone buzz a few times, I took it out from my pocket and looked at it.

"One new chat from love💞" I clicked on the message. It read- "sorry for not picking up, love." I smiled, but inside, it hurt. We are both so into our lives we forget to be there for each other. The last week, she told me that her tests were starting soon and that she would get less time to talk with me. And for me, we got new proposals for new products and I needed to take care of that. But I made sure I was available for her when she needed, but it wasn't possible for her.

I heard my dad call me from downstairs and I ran back down and almost tripped, but gladly my hands grabbed the railings and I was safe.

"JUNGKOOK! be careful! You might hurt yourself!"

"I'm okay... Don't worry eoppa" I reassured him.

"But be careful next time, come with me to my room, we need to talk."

I followed him, gulping as everyone would when they hear their father saying they needed to have a talk. It was the same case with me. We both got into the room and my father turned around. He wanted me to sit with him and he started.

"So, son... I know this is quiet surprising but, you need to be careful." He gulped while he spat out the words.

" you...mean?" My eyes grew wider as he hesitated to move further.

"Yes son, so listen carefully..."

The conversation hit me like an electric shock and I felt numb for hours.

(Y/n pov)

I set my phone aside after texting him and went back to studies. I ticked away the answer and the clocked ticked away with it motion. I sat in that position for 2 hours and my body seemed to hurt and my neck got cramps. I decided to take a break and went outside to the balcony. I sat on the bench and looked up at the moon, hoping that Jungkook would also be seeing it, as it was the only thing we both loved other than each other. I smiled as cool wind brushed my hair behind, each and every aspect of the nature reminded me of Jungkook and my heart felt heavy. I hoped he was okay, and put on my headphones to listen to songs and I saw a message from SeokJin.

"Down, at the park" he ended the text with a smiley face emoji. I smiled, I saw Jungkook in the character of Jin and it made me happy. I went down and my eyes searched for that handsome face that always had a smile spread on it. I went near the park and saw him sitting on the swing glaring at the moon.

"You also love the moon?" I laid my hand on his shoulder as I approached him. He turned around and smiled. "Oh hey... didn't see you are you?" He questioned, signalling me to take the swing besides him. I sat down and pushed the swing backwards to set it into motion. Jin laughed at my silly actions and I laughed too as I struggled to put my feet down. He got up the swing and stood behind me. I looked up wondering what he was about to do. He held the swing and pushed it forward.

"How's it tiny y/n?" He giggled, making me laugh too.

"Hey, stob it!" I said that in the voice of his and we bursted into laugh. He really filled the space Jungkook had left, but not completely.

We both sat there for hours and talked about each others lives and interests.

"And...I got selected!" He exclaimed, my lips curled into a smile. I jumped up in excitement and hugged him tight as I always did to celebrate my happiness. He chuckled and returned it. He felt so warm and just like my big brother. I backed off and said goodbye as it was time to leave and went back home.


That is gonna be it for this part! Meet you next time with another one! Love you<3 💕

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