Forbidden Love part - 19

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Hey y'all! It's been so long and you all must be waiting! Part 19 is here...! Enjoy reading it! <3 and also comment the name of the series you're watching now.

Warnings!!!: Smut included, skip if you don't like it. Don't spread hate!

(Y/n pov)

We made out, pausing every two minutes to adore each other. We kissed till we met the bed. He laid me down swiftly and he was on top of me now. My heart was beating very fast and was on the edge of popping out. He was still kissing me. He stopped after several kisses and looked right into my eyes and then to my chest. He grabbed both of my breasts and started to squish them and I let out soft moans.

His hands crept behind my back and slowly lifted me a little and then the zipper to my dress was unlocked. He laid me down again this time he was kissing me. He kept on kissing me throughout the process of removing my dress. He kept kissing and pushed my dress down and it came down to my knees, he rolled to his side and allowed me to pull it out fully.

Now, my body was covered with only my bra and panties, which were soon removed by his cold hands. My dress and undergarments were thrown across the room as he removed his too. He again came in top of me and I started blushing unconditionally. Soon later he was inside me.

Moans and heavy sighs filled the room as he went in and out of me. All the time he was smirking and I could see the contentment in his eyes. "Did you use protection?" I whispered, my eyes widened. He chuckled and replied, "ofcourse!".

After couple of minutes of moving up and down we both started breathing heavily and started to laugh. "That was great!" He laughed. "Yeah! Is this your first time?". I question in curiosity. He turned to my side and looked at me. "What do you think?" I could feel his breath hitting my face and I started getting butterflies.

"You're too good, daddy!" I whispered and his eyes immediately widened. He again came on top of me, "so let's do it again!" Just as he got ready we heard a knock on the door. We both looked towards the door
and then we chuckled. He immediately ran from the bed and hid in the closet. I laughed at him and quickly got dressed.

I opened the door and there stood my frustrated mom. "What are you doing? The guests have already left... couldn't you come and say goodbye? And yea? Where's Jungkook?". She blurted everything almost too quickly. "Mom, chill! Im sorry, me and Jungkook were just having a talk. You know it has been long since we met..."

"Ok, now come on help me in the kitchen!."
She said and went away. I turned back and saw Jungkook peeping out from the closet door, luckily he wasn't seen. "Is she gone?..." He whispered and i burst into laughter. He came out and sorted out his clothes.

He looked at his phone which was lying on the nightstand and at me. He came near and kissed my forehead. "Bye bye bunny...I love you!" He whispered his lips still touching my forehead, for now the time had come. He had to leave. "Love you too baby". I whispered back. We both went to the door hand in hand and hugged each other for the last time.

It was hard to let him leave, but I knew he wouldn't leave me. He waved back and then I went inside. I smiled at the way he treated me today, it was absolutely amazing.

The next day...

You got up from the bed and rubbed your eyes, you yawned a little and looked at your phone. You had woken up a little too soon...that meant taking your time to do makeup. Excited, you ran to the bathroom picking up a cute outfit you had already planned the night before.

You came out of the bathroom 20 minutes after and saw your brother, searching something in your closet. "What you doing?" You ask, putting down the towel. "Do you remember the hoodie I gave you a few weeks ago? I want it back!" You suddenly remembered something and your eyes widened.

"O-oh t-that umm yea I - I have it wait..." You chuckled bitterly and went to the closet and pulled out a red hoodie half cut from the bottom. "Y/N!!!!...WHAT THE ACTUAL F*CK??? HOW DARE YOU CUT MY FAVOURITE HOODIE??...ughhh I was excited to wear this today! You ruined it! I hate you!!". He growled. You just shrugged and ran out of the door, Suga ran behind you.

"Oh my dear lord, what is wrong with you right in the morning?!" Your mom ranted. "Mom! Don't come in between us! This bitch cut my hoodie!" Suga yelled from behind the sofa trying to catch you. "Suga! Mind your language!". Then the chase started again and it didn't end until your father entered the frame.

"GUYS! STOP IT!" The room became silent. Suga stood looking at you with a death stare. You were continuosly looking at Suga and your dad. Suga went to his room and you were ordered to go to yours.

"You're getting me a new one!" Suga squeaked from next room. "Fine!" You replied back. After couple of minutes you both got out of your room, ready to go to school. You sat on the car and drove off to school.

You arrived 15 minutes later. You got down and saw Soobin standing by the gate glaring at his phone, or what looked like so. He was lost in some deep thought. You too wanted to ask him why he left the party early. So you got down quickly and ran to him, as soon as you got close to him, he turned back and started sprinting towards the school campus. Startled by his behaviour, you stood there staring at him.


So, how was it??
Love you ❤️

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