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Next day, everyone was present at breakfast table after puja. All the elders too wishes naira "happy birthday". Sid and naira was sitting beside eachother while Avu was sitting opposite to him. Sid was glancing her in between, he was not feeling good because since morning Avu hasn't even glanced at him once or meet her eyes with his. He decides to message her.

Sidneet's WhatsApp chat.

What had you decided...??
He mssg her which was seen by her instantly.

I don't know... I'm still confused, I need time...
She replies.


Chat ended.

Sid-: umm... Dadu... Can we please postpone my engagement...?? He asks gaining everyone's attention, all looks at him with a jerk and shocked expression.

Nk-: Why son...?? Do you have any problem...??

Sid-: Umm... Actually dadu, I'm still not sure about this wedding, I need time for thinking, so please can we... He says while looking down.

Naitik-: Sid it's not a game going on here... We had asked you before only about it and you had told us your decision then now why you want more time...?? He asks Sid angrily while nk too was angry from Sid.

Akshara-: it's not a joke... And you're telling this after your roka ceremony that too today on your engagement day...

Sid-: I know and I'm really sorry mom... But please it's about my and avneet's whole life...

Akshara-: What do you think of yourself "The Siddharth Singhania"..?? Is all this small thing for you...?? A girl's feelings is a joke for you that whenever you want you can play with it... This alliance was fixed after only you had agreed and with your happiness then why suddenly you need time and want to postpone the engagement...?? She asks him angrily.

Sid-: mom...

Nk(cutting him in bw)-: We had always listened to you Sid but not today... You're going to be engaged today only and it's my decision which nobody can change... We all were so proud of you and our happiness has no bound when you agreed for this wedding but today you disappointed us very much... And now I don't want any arguments, go and do your work and don't dare to even step out of your room till evening... Your lunch will be sent there only... He says sternly while Sid lefts from there after murmuring a quick sorry without completing his breakfast. Avu too goes to her room where she was staying with trisha leaving her breakfast in between as Sid too haven't eaten more than 1-2 morsel. She was feeling guilty as because of her he gets scolded but he shouldn't have said to postponed their engagement. She hasn't said him to say anything to others. She was feeling extremely bad for him. She was thinking that now what she should do when jeevika and kartik comes in her room with breakfast and makes her have it as today she needs energy to handle heavy clothes, jewelleries and all.


In Sid's room, Aiden, aron and nick were only there with Sid and was asking him about what he did downstair.

My Heart's Desire-: Sunshine❣️Where stories live. Discover now