Chapter 40

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I wanna start this chapter with a big THANK YOU!

For your support, for your comments - for everything. Originally, this was supposed to be a 20 chapter story... now we're at chapter 40 and I can't stop writing!

Special thanks to my amazing beta-reader (you know who you are) - without you, the story wouldn't be where it is now. Thank you!

As always, I'm excited for your thoughts on this new chapter! <3


"If you never bleed, you're never gonna grow."


"Is it bad that I don't wanna get out of the car?", I let out sighing while I threw my head back. Nick just drove us home from our little spa date, and, since we had told the kids we would be home by 9:00 and it was only 08:58, I convinced him to stay in the car holding hands together until it was time to get inside. It was not the fact that I didn't wanna see my kids, no. It's just that I've never been this relaxed. All my muscles were relaxed and sore at the same time. I didn't wanna move an inch, just finally lay down in my bed. And if it would be possible, lay down all cuddled up with Nick...

He grinned as he continuously caressed my hand. "No, not at all. In fact, I could fall asleep right here and now.", he said to me. Then, he took our intertwined fingers and moved them up to his lips to press a soft kiss onto the backside of my hand. "Let's go get you inside so that you can lay down in bed.", he whispered against my hand before he slowly let go of me.

Before I knew it, he was already at my side of the car opening the door for me. However, he didn't make any space for me to get out. No, instead, he leaned forward. "You aren't thinking that I'm gonna walk you inside before giving you a proper goodnight-kiss first, are you?", he said with his boyish grin before he leaned down and pressed his lips onto mine. I wrapped my hand around his neck to pull him closer. God, how much I wish I could do this all night...

But sleepovers weren't possible. They weren't possible yet at least. Sure, I slept at his place a few times a week when the kids were with Derek. But since it was my week with the kids, I couldn't risk having him sleep at my place and one of the kids finding out on accident. The risk was just too high for one of them to see him and then tell Derek about it. Under other circumstances I might have taken that risk, but the way things are right now, I wouldn't do that. I just didn't wanna cause yet another reason for Derek to be mad at me. Right now, he was mad enough as is. And I don't even wanna think about how he'll react once I tell him that I want to tell the kids about my relationship with Nick.

After a few minutes of kissing, I let go off him. "That definitely was a proper goodnight-kiss.", I let out sighing with a big grin on my lips. He lowered his lips onto my forehead to gently kiss it. "It sure was.", he said before he offered me a hand to get out the car. I didn't let go off him, as we were slowly walking towards the front door. Of course, Nick had insisted on carrying my bag. The perfect gentleman, as always.

As we were right around the corner from the front door, I heard voices coming from there. We both stopped walking immediately. Whoever was at my front door, didn't hear us coming. So, I slightly tilted my head to better hear what was going on. "Brad, please, you have to go. My uncle will be here any minute.", I heard someone say. Oh, it must be Charlotte. But who the hell is Brad?

"Just one more kiss.", I heard another voice reply. A deeper voice – not deep enough to come from an adult, but definitely some guy from her high school. I couldn't help myself from chuckling a little, so I quickly brought my hand towards my mouth to muffle that sound. So, Charlotte had a boy come over to make out? That girl is a lot like me when I was a teenager, I thought to myself.

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