chapter five

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I sit in my seat behind my luxurious desk and begin to type the contract from the meeting that held place earlier today

We actually got them to agree, As stubborn as Amira is we'll all sign the contract tomorrow. I smirk just thinking of how pissed she was today, I'm not going to lie I'm intrigued by her. The first woman to not drool over me with no shame.

Speaking of  Ms. Harper that little game she started in the elevator is going to bite her ass in the future

I still have 1 one page left to type out from the contract

I need to get laid its been a while and I've been stressed and frustrated lately

Amira seems to cloud my mind constantly these days

Out of all the women who throw themselves at me, she dares to hate me

it's so sexy, she's so sexy

No one besides my parents has ever disrespected me or "put me in my place" She actually has the nerve and I just let her. I don't know what it is about her that-

My phone notified me interrupting my thoughts and also indicating I got a message and I reached over my desk to grab it looking at the text message from Micheal Harper

Micheal Harper: Well done Armani it worked

Me: Indeed it did, Now we just have to ensure it stays between us.

Me: My father and I will attend 3 meetings at NAMIRA cosmetics headquarters a month, and if I see her other than that it will be a coffee shop "coincidence" to ensure the area is safe.

Micheal Harper: Thank you, Alessandro. You're father taught you well

Me: No problem It's my job, my clients always come first.

Micheal hired me last week to spy on Amira for her safety because some of Micheal's enemies threatened Amira's safety and Amira is too damn stubborn to listen to her father due to whatever unresolved issues they have

"Feisty little lady" I smirk

I printed out 3 copies of the contract, one for our company and Namira Cosmetics, and an extra

I pack up my things and get in the elevator to head to my car

I opened the door to my house, immediately jumping into the lukewarm water constantly that rained down on me also known as a shower, and went to sleep


I stirred in my sleep as I woke up from the constant sound of my annoying ass alarm. I reached over my king-sized bed with black silk sheets and grabbed it to throw it against the wall

"Fuck" I groaned as stretched in my bed

I get out of bed and head into the shower for a quick rinse-off to get ready for the day

I get out, drying myself off and getting dressed in my usual suit for the day. I walk down the stairs and sit at the table while my maids bring me breakfast

I recognized Maria from her short brown hair and slightly wrinkled skin due to aging right before she turned around and faced me

Maria smiles, her green eyes sparkling with kindness, and asks me, " Buongiorno, Che bevanda vorresti ragazzo mio?" (Good morning, what drink would you like for breakfast, my boy?)

She always speaks to me in my native tongue even though she knows English, I think she does it so I don't become fully Americanized. She practically raised me, she's the only one who has a wing to herself here the other maids visit once a week to clean.

"Buongiorno Maria  Vorrei un caffe" I reply ( Good morning Maria I would like a coffee)

She makes the cappuccino as I eat my Cornetto

She hands me my cappuccino with a smile, "Grazie" I thank Maria as she nods her head and walks away

I finish my breakfast and one of the maids hands me an ironed tie that was missing from completing my outfit

I head up to my room put it on, comb through my hair, and rake styling gel to it

I grab my keys and head to my garage, "Which car should I take today?" I ask myself. Seeing as I have a Lamborgini Aventador SVJ, Bentley Continental GT, Porsche 911 GT3 RS, Maserati MC20

The Lamborghini

I hop into my Lamborghini and connect my music to the car

As I pull into the parking spot in NAMIRA cosmetics underground garage I see a black 2022 Maserati Quattroporte

A guy walks around to open the door for somebody and to my surprise Amira gets out, My eyes widened

I stayed in the car to observe a little longer, watched them talk and laugh a little too much

What the fuck is so funny? More importantly, why the fuck do I care?

They hug and Amira goes into the building, As he pulls off

Micheal didn't say anything about a boyfriend, What is this? Who is this guy she hugged? A strange wave of possession surrounds me and I don't understand why I barely know her


filler chapter tbh 😔, Im sorry y'all idk what to write things will get better as I publish more chapters

Who do you all think that mystery guy is?!

I have a lot of ideas for this story but if I add them rn they won't make sense rn that's why I gotta put this into place so please be patient



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