chapter eleven

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"But, girl, I can't feel my face. What are we smokin' anyway? She said don't let the high go to waste. But can you taste a little taste of-"


"Nia I'm serious, he sent food to my house." she blinked in disbelief

"How do you blackmail someone into working with you and threaten them with the police, then send food to their house," Nia questioned me like Im supposed to know

"Girl I'm confused my damn self," I said while thinking of all the reasons he would do this. Pick a side Alessandro, do you want to be my sworn enemy or not?

Nia and I are at this new cafe that just opened up 15 minutes from NAMIRA headquarters.

We try and discover new places like cafes, restaurants, or creative activities and hang out there before or after work. Luckily we got a booth seat in the corner and away from the window because its more secluded and I liked it that way

I grabbed a menu from the middle of the table and reviewed their options, after deciding on an iced caramel coffee and avocado toast I waited for Nia to finish before diving into conversation "So dimelo?" (what's up/what's been going on)

"I think I met my future husband!!" She silently squealed trying to contain her happiness and not draw too much attention. I widened my eyes in surprise because you don't hear that every day. "De verdad?" "De verdad!!" (Really)

A middle-aged brunette who I assumed to be a waiter walked up to us to take our orders." Good morning, my name is Charlene what can I get for y'all beautiful ladies for today?" We both ordered and she wrote it down and left.

"We actually bumped into each other by accident as I was walking into this cafe and the attraction was definitely there. We ended up sitting and talking for a bit, one thing led to another, and were going on a date soon."

" I don't want to potentially get kidnapped so I may have....mentioned the idea of a double date." Nia bit her lip while she waited for a response

"NIA, no," I said shaking my head 

"Cmon it'll be fun if it's not going well we'll come up with an excuse to get out of there and go home," Nia says trying to convince me or mostly herself

"Fine, who is this man though?," I asked

"His name is Luciano and he doesn't live in America he just visits often, I think he's like Italian because he has a very deep Italian accent," Nia said as she wiggled her eyebrows 

" and girllllllll his aura alone screams dark but powerful and respected, and don't get me started on his accent combined with the deepness of his voice. I was ready to risk it all."

oh now I'm intrigued

"I think he's rich too, he reserved this really nice place for us I searched up the address and it's breathtaking"

"Is he well off or like filthy rich? Cause we make six figures yearly we're up there too" I asked being my nosey self but it's okay because we're best friends

"RICHER, like that gotta be old money y no me hagas de su caro coche!" (and don't get me started on his expensive car)

"Oooh okay let's see what this Luciano is talking about,  I like him for you already" My bestie deserves the best for real

The waiter brought our food and drinks out and we thanked her.

"He said he'll bring his cousin but that's all I know about the other guy," Nia said

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