chapter three

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"Come, Come to me.
Look at what you've done to me.
You put a gun to me. Then you brought the sun to me. Shine like blood diamonds. Learning to have patience only 'cause you are timeless"


"I really suggest you accept our partnership Ms.Harper I would hate for the word to get out about your family and the horrible things they have done," Alessandro says with a condescending smirk on his face

I blink slowly trying to fight the very strong urge to crawl over the desk and beat the shit out of him, is he fucking crazy? 

Like they have the absolute nerve, no AUDACITY to come into my office and blackmail me

I take an excruciatingly slow breath in and exhale trying to calm myself down and ignore the waterworks threatening to burst of of my eyes any second

"Get the fuck out," I said calmly with threat obviously laced within my tone

Both men got up and exited the door quickly, Alessandro still had a fucking smirk off his face as he glared at me one last time before he slipped out the door
what the fuck could possibly be so funny?"

As soon as the men left I put my head onto my hands trying to calm myself down and not cry.

I was so fucking frustrated that the only thing I could do was cry and I couldn't even stop myself as the tears cascaded out of me, the fucking audacity they had to come into my office and blackmail me.

I should rip their fucking dicks off. I am beyond livid; I can only cry because I don't want to murder somebody. But they got me beyond fucked up


The worse thing is they weren't even blackmailing me, they were blackmailing my dumb ass family 

I'm stressed, I need food. IMMEDIATELY

I'm going to choose to get over this and eat and be happy again for my own sake

What should I get? I think to myself while sitting in my car looking at the 'food places near me' safari search. Mexican, Italian, Ethiopian, Cuban, or Greek?

I think I'm in the mood for Hispanic food specifically Puerto Rican , speaking of Puerto Rico I miss my best friend's Mama, I should go and visit her I haven't seen that woman in the longest and she's like a second mom to me

Nia's mom, Elena is fully Puerto Rican and makes the best  food ever it couldn't get more authentic than that

I used to spend my summers in Puerto Rico with Nia I actually picked up Spanish pretty quickly, more and more every summer.

me and bestie locked in 4Life

I called my Tia Elena, waiting for her to pick up she did after the 5th ring. What was this woman doing that she couldn't pick up the phone I thought to myself before she called.

"Titi, Dimelooo, Que tu hace?!" I say excitedly (Aunty, tell me what's been going on, what are you doing?)

"Hola mija, sólo estoy cocinando. ¿Cómo has estado?" Tia Elena says I could hear her smiling through the phone (Hi my daughter, I'm just cooking, how have you been?)

"I'm surviving, pero I'll tell you all about it later, but what are you cooking I know it's yummy"

"Arroz con gandules y pernil" Elena replies while blending something in the background

"Oooooh yummy, vengo ahora mismo," I say


After saying my goodbyes I got into my car to drive home, I sang while Jhene Aiko played in my car

I walked into my apartment and stepped into the elevator. Walking up to my apartment I hear some movements, knowing I'm not in there I pulled out my mace because it was 10:15 pm and I'm a black woman living alone in this big ass city, and they were not gonna catch me lacking

I slowly walked in seeing Jalen look inside my cabinets, "Hey honey, how was work" He said while trying to be funny

"Shut up!" I said while laughing, what is he doing here? I should have never given him a copy of my keys I think to myself while shaking my head

"If you're wondering what I'm doing here I ran out of peanut butter and you have a whole grocery store in here with your 'aesthetic girl lifestyle' or whatever you call it, " He says practically mocking me

I'm just a girl who likes nice things he just doesn't get it

I laugh while shaking my head "Well I'm exhausted so entertain yourself" I yell out while walking to my bedroom and putting on pajamas, usually I would take a shower when I get in from being outside all day but I am too lazy.

I plop on my bed and knockout within minutes of watching Instagram reels

I plop on my bed and knockout within minutes of watching Instagram reels

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