chapter two

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I park my car in my reserved space in the garage beneath my headquarters. I greet all the staff and my assistant as I walk out of the elevator, down the hall, and into my office.

I'm the CEO at NAMIRA Cosmetics along with my best friend Nia. Yes, that Nia Martinez the infamous beauty guru herself, I swear I love that girl more than life itself.

We created this app that lets you make your own beauty product, with your own chosen ingredients virtually and they get sent directly to your door within 50 hours no matter where you are in the world. It's our makeup being sold but it's the app that really set us up for success. We created it 2 years ago and skyrocketed in sales and has gained popularity from apps such as Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook. Now every Company is trying to collaborate with us.

I walk into the elevator and press floor 6 to go to my office, as I'm walking out Marisella gives me the info on the meeting with Mafix security today

She tells me the private elevator Nia and I use is being shut down for maintenance right now and I will have to use the main one for the rest of the day. Nia is on a business trip visiting one of our makeup factories in Paris right now so I will have to attend this meeting alone. She's the people person not only in our friendship but in our business.

Let's hope they're pleasant enough to have a conversation with and not the usual cocky men who think are entitled to partnership because they are men.

Marisella and I walk into the elevator and see 3 businessmen. I noticed two tall men on my right, one is younger looking which I assume is the son based on his playboy demeanor, and another older man with a few gray strands of hair and a more mature demeanor who I can assume is the father, they almost look identical. the other man in the back just looks like a minion of theirs.

The younger one stands right next to me. He is FINE AS HELL and smells like he's trying to get devoured but I don't know who he is so I keep it professional. I don't look anywhere but straight, completely ignoring their existence.

I'm in a pissy mood from earlier

I fight the urge to smirk feeling his eyes drift all over my body, I look over from the corner of my eyes and see him staring at my breast cleavage.

I roll my eyes. God the effect I have on males.

"Shit," I muttered under my breath when I feel the elevator come to a sudden stop. I almost groan out loud from the annoyance

"Marisella, will you please call someone and figure out what's going on? I want to be out this elevator in 2 minutes tops" I demand. I need to get to this interview to see what this company offers.

" umm yes, Ms.Harper right away," Marisella says pulling out her phone.

The two men look at me with surprise and then at each other from the authority in my voice, I roll my eyes at their surprised expression, Girls can be fucking powerful too.

"I'm Alessandro, Alessandro Armani" The guy that was having a staring contest with my tits introduces himself while extending his hand.

When did I ask? nice Amira

ugh, fine

"Cool, Good for you," I say ignoring the extended hand and giving Marisella an impatient look. His father smirks

that was you being nice?

I mentally roll my eyes at my subconscious voice, that's the nicest I'm going to get.

"I've sent 3 messages to the guards, they'll be here shortly" she mutters looking at her iPad down below, my feet hurt in these heels and I want to get out of here and go home, I hate people.

Respectfully of course.

She taps me showing me an electronic note on her iPad saying,

'They're the Amani's and from Mafix security organizations'



too late now, I might as well keep going

"Does it look like I care?" I ask Marisella with an unamused expression, the two men on my right chuckle, oh gosh they must've seen the iPad.

Well great, that's just amazing can this day get any worse?

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed, huh?" The younger asks with a small smirk, a really provoking smirk.

I smile innocently and turn to him, "No, I woke up pretty nice today, But the fact that some dick named Allessandro was staring at my boobs about 11 seconds ago would be considered pretty annoying, no? I ask innocently, yet my voice was filled with attitude and sarcasm.

He looked angry and annoyed after my reply like no one has ever disrespected him, there's a first time for everything bitch, and again I'm in a pissy fucking mood so I don't give two shits.

"Don't start a game you won't like Ms.Harper" He warns

Wowwww, no apology? Did he just fucking warn me in my own building?

Fine wanna play that way, huh? I'll fucking play.

I scoff, "You might be an incredible player, But I own the fucking game as I own the building that you're currently in to get a meeting with me, Mr. Armani, I think I'll be perfectly fine.

Like clockwork, the elevator opens and I immediately walk out without making another sound making sure to glare at the coworkers that fucking took long enough.



So this is the first work episode and y'all met Alessandro!!! The first few chapters might be a little cringe but I'm new to this so don't judge or hate. It's kind of hard getting started so yeah.

 It's kind of hard getting started so yeah

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