chapter eight

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"See that's the thing, you can't do what you want Mr.Armani it's my building, my company, you just desperately blackmailed me into working with you. So, no you can't do what, you're an entitled fuckboy who demands and demands but I'm not going to give you anything that you want other than the partnership. Who are you to be asking questions about my personal business? We just work together, so fuck off I'm honestly so tired of you."

I slightly jerk back from her tooken back by what she said and he tone while she said it

No one has ever spoken to me like that besides my parents, I admit I'm taken aback by it but I'm rather intrigued

I was thinking of what to say when I remembered she had never answered my question.

"Defensive I see?" I taunt

She rolled her eyes

She gets under my skin so fucking much but I wish I could bend her over and fuck the attitude right out of her

What is it about her that frustrates the shit out of me, she doesn't even like me?

god, what is wrong with me?

I'm probably gonna regret this but fuck it

I start taking steps toward hers with long strides as she backs up with each stride I take until she's pinned against the wall

With a 4-inch distance between us, I look her up and down angrily breathing in and out of my nostrils. Noticing how moisturized her lips were fighting the temptation to kiss her and claim her as mines

I close the distance between us and lean down to her ear

Unintentionally Inhaling the coconut and vanilla aroma of her collarbones invading all my senses at once as I begin to speak

"That mouth and attitude of yours is going to get you into so many problems Bellissima," I say assertively  (Beautiful/Gorgeous)

"I don't know what that....(she circles our distance from each other) was but don't ever do that again," she says with hatred lacing her voice, looking me up and down in a mixture of disgust and attraction. She hides it well but I can tell she wants me.

Maybe almost as much as I want her

I smirk and back off of her and walk out of the room

Heading into the elevator I unlocked my phone, opened a message from Luciano, and copied the address

I found my car, entered through the front door began to enter the address in the GPS, and began to drive


I arrived there 40 minutes later and parked my car 2 blocks away from this sketchy ass house

I find it and see the security pin, I admit it's a good security brand it's safe but I am the CEO of a security company, and I can break into anything

I kicked the door in and found the fat dirty son of a bitch asleep on his couch right in front of the television

I looked through my peripheral vision noticing how trashed this place was, it looked like it hadn't been cleaned in weeks with snack rappers on the counters, floor, and tables with all sorts of bugs crawling and flying all over them

Fucking pig ill tell you

It smells like hot funk in here, I reached into my bag retrieved the dose of barbiturate, and injected him in the neck with it.

He briefly woke up confused once the needle went in trying to fight it but was instantly knocked out

I picked him up struggling a bit because of his 370-pound build but preserved nonetheless and walked out of the house and put him in the back of the car

I walked back into the house planted a timed bomb and exited the house, I got back in the car and drove to the nearest warehouse to torture and question the pathetic excuse of a man

I received a message from Luciano as I drove and texted him that it was finished once I was at a red light

Once we arrived at the warehouse I got out of the car and told my men to take John out of the car and try him to a chair, they did as told and when I entered and shot him in the knee to wake his ass up

"Wake up BIATCH" Antiono yelled announcing his presence from the door, I shake my head at his goofiness

"So, Johnny boy I heard you like to abuse and sexually assault women" He tilted his head and looked at John with hatred in his eyes

"W-w-what are talking about?" John shrieked trying to his pain from being shot


After my meeting call ended I checked my phone and it was 10:15 pm

I decide to take a nap for the time being because I have slept much lately and can't live solely off of Expresso

I walked into the kitchen heated up the leftover spaghetti that my maid cooked yesterday and stored it in the refrigerator

Once It finished I did not even plate it, I ate the spaghetti straight from the pan, washed the pan, and walked upstairs to my bed, and went straight to sleep

(40 minutes later)

Luca's incoming call snapped me out of my slumber

" Ehi cugino, vieni all'810. Antonio e io ci stiamo rilassando, ma solo Dio sa per quanto ancora potrò ascoltarlo fare le sue battute banali." Luca says

Translation: Hey cousin, come to 810. Antonio and I are relaxing, but God knows how much longer I'll be able to listen to him make his corny jokes.

"Yeah I need a drink it's been a week," I say trying not to laugh at his previous comment, Antonio does talk a lot

"Definitely mutual"

"Meet us at the 810 nightclub on Madison Ave, Don't forget"

"I know where it's at, We own it, Luca"

"All right Sandro just be there"

I hang up and get in the shower

(20 minutes later)

I walked into my walk-in closet and picked out an outfit, I grabbed a black dress shirt and jeans put them on, and sprayed some Dior cologne on me

I checked myself out in the mirror and went downstairs out of my penthouse

I checked my phone and it was 11:07 pm it's been 27 minutes since Luca called me

I get in my Porshe and drive to the club since it is 20 minutes away

Thank you for reading!

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