chapter seven

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I take the elevator up to the office room I put my phone into my tote bag and check the time (8:50)

Not bad we're only 5 minutes late

I walk into the office only to see Nia and Lorenzo sitting down, with no Alessandro in sight.  It looks like it's going to be a good day, I smile to myself

Other than blackmailing me, Alessandro is a rich entitled fuckboy who gets what he wants when he wants it, and even if he tried he can't have Nia or me. The way these girls be drooling over him, worshipping the ground he walks on is sickening. I see the way these employees gawk at him.

I walk and both Nia and Senior Armani greet me, Nia with a hug and kiss Lorenzo with a firm handshake

"My son will be here shortly with the paperwork," Mr.Armani says as Alessandro walks in

"Morning everyone I apologize for my lateness, Here are the contracts," Alessandro says with an attitude

I roll my eyes

As we walk over to the table and finally sit down Nia and I review the contract one more time before we sign it

I can feel Alessandro 's burning stare through the side of my eye, he's like angry or something. I'm gonna mind my business but I feel as if the anger and silent treatment is towards me. What the fuck is his problem? He is the one who blackmailed us into a partnership.

We finished signing the contract, the Armani's signed theirs and we said our goodbyes

The Armani's get up but Alessandro whispers something to his father, his father nods and exits the room

He tells Nia he would like to talk to me alone, which leaves me in confusion. She looks at me in confusion and I signal with my confused face that I don't know what's going on while I shrug my shoulders, she furrows her eyebrows in confusion and exits the room

Leaving him and me alone in the room together

really? I almost groan out loud from annoyance

"What did you want to talk to me about, Mr.Armani ," I say in annoyance.

"Do you have a boyfriend or husband?" Alessandro asked with his deep and angry voice like he was one step away from murdering somebody

Is this motherfucker serious, Why does he care anyways?

"If I didn't know better, I'd think you weren't minding you're own business. Because you're too busy minding mine" I say sarcastically avoiding his question. Because what if I didn't what would that change

"You're right I'm not minding my business, I'm being nosy.  So?  I can do whatever the fuck I want. I'm a billionaire, now answer my question"

"See that's the thing, you can't do what you want Mr.Armani It's my building, my company, you just desperately blackmailed me into working with you. So, no you can't do what, you're an entitled fuckboy who demands and demands but I'm not going to give you anything that you want other than the partnership. Who are you to be asking questions about my personal business? We just work together, so fuck off I'm honestly so tired of you" I say

The audacity of this man, I scoff shaking my head

He looked at me like he was taken back for a minute but with amusement at the same time

"Defensive I see?" Alessandro smirks

I roll my eyes, The mood swings are crazy weren't you just about to pop a vein?

He starts taking steps toward me in long strides, I back away with each step he takes

cause who he thinks he backing up into a wall?

He closes the distance between us and begins to lean down into my ear

Well now I can't get out of this

up close I notice a tiny mole near the upper right side of his lip and how close his lips are to mine

I hate this man but I'm so turned on by him at this moment I'm not even gonna lie

The broadness of his shoulders, his intoxicating cologne, his suspiciously cool mint-scented breath, and the dark, dominating look in his eyes as he leans in closer to whisper into my ear

"That mouth and attitude of yours is going to get you into so many problems Bellissima," He says (Beautiful/Gorgeous)

Ignoring the volcano in my lower stomach, I put my hand up to his chest pushing him away enough to make eye contact with him

"I despise you, I don't know what that was but don't ever do that again," I say as I look at him with disgust trying to mask the lustful thought about him in my head

He backs off of me with a smirk on his face and exits the room

What just happened?

Once he left I took some deep breaths I felt like I could finally breathe

His big annoying ass presence always takes up the space in the room.

His big annoying ass presence always takes up the space in the room

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