chapter four

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"I've been on my empty mind shit. I try to keep from losin' the rest of me. "

"Blackmail?? For real?" Nia asked

"Yes girl, blackmail," I said while rolling my eyes at the thought of this ridiculous

"How low and desperate do you have to be? And I bet he was acting like he was THAT GUY after that" Nia said

"REAL desperate, because the audacity they had coming up in here thinking they were gonna blackmail me and scare me into working with them was crazy" I scoffed

"Well we're going to make a contract and hopefully we can come to an agreement to something so well both be protected as long as our companies come to an agreement," Nia said discouraged

Seriously the nerve these guys have I shake my head as I thought it

Part of me doesn't even know why I'm protecting my family, nonetheless my father. I think to myself while not trying to make a disgusted face at the mention of him. I still don't know how this could affect me personally but oh well

As Nia walks over in my direction I pout awaiting her touch

"It's gonna be okay, I know you know that but I just wanted to remind you why you're doing this."

"For my fucking family," I say annoyed hugging her tighter

"Yes, for your fucking family," She says while laughing

"Anyways, tell me about the trip, how was Paris?! I want, no NEED all the details" I say as Nia thinks about what to start with


The Armani' s walk in and sit themselves down while their minion who by the way looks like the human version of a quilt blanket is setting up their presentation across from us

I'm sorry when I get pissed I'm fucking ruthless and I come for everybody's necks or I'm dangerously quiet either one is just as worse

Lorenzo, the older one reaches across the table to shake our hands. "Good Morning ladies, I didn't get a chance to meet you yesterday Ms.Martinez," Lorenzo says while rotating his head mostly in Nia's direction as he acknowledged and greeted both of us while shaking Nia's hand

Nia looks at Alessandro and gives me a 'why he kinda-' look while wiggling her eyebrows up in down and licking her lips

bitch please

We both say good morning while I roll my eyes trying to ignore Alessandro 's burning gaze as he smirks looking me up and down

don't look at me like that before I act up

His face is so sharp and chiseled that I wouldn't be surprised if Michelangelo's signature was on him somewhere and he's so fucking fine

How can someone be so-

When did I start fantasizing about this man? I have to stop immediately, I snap out of it and pay attention to the presentation

30 minutes later "So what is the outcome?" I ask after the presentation is over

"We would like to have at least 2 advertisements on the website per month to showcase our affiliation," Lorenzo said

"Let's limit that to one, shall we? We only provide three advertisements to three different companies each month." I said

"We're already being considerate by allowing your advertisements every single month, 2 each month is just taking advantage, am I right or am I right?" Nia said

AND DID HE SAY "AT LEAST" They're really buggin' cause ain't no way

Lorenzo was about to say something but was cut off by Alessandro

"Fine then we will be the first advertisement that goes out every single month for the next 2 years," Alessandro said

"Demanding, suggesting, or asking?" I directed at Alessandro

We make stubborn and hostile eye contact for what seems like an hour, body language becoming more defensive and guarded as the seconds pass.

While everybody else was silent none of us broke eye contact

"He's simply suggesting, after all, we are working together," Lorenzo said trying to clear the tension in the air

"We also won't be working together for 2 years, more than one year month less than two, were being flexible so stretch," Nia said

"Fine 22 months,"  Lorenzo said

I look at Nia to see if she agrees, She furrows her brows and scrunches her face in disagreement

"No, 19 months," I say

"20 months," Alessandro says

"Deal," Nia says

"How often will meetings be?" I asked

"Two to three times a month," Alessandro said

I nod my head in agreement

"I guess we got ourselves a deal," Alessandro says with a smirk

He extended his hand expectantly for me to shake it, I looked down at his hand in disgust and ignored it

He really thought

He shakes Nia's hand, We both shake Lorenzo's hand as they walk out

"Well bring the contract over tomorrow, This was a successful meeting, right?" Lorenzo says trying to make amends after his son and what he just tried

"Yes, Mr. Armani it was," I say smiling

Now get the fuck out of our office. I thought to myself while trying to control my anger

Nia and I breathe a deep exhale after we close the door behind them. We plopped in our seats and started laughing

"what an entitled little fuck" I finally say

"Oh my gosh I know right, but he definitely wasn't little honey." She smirks at her unfunny comment. "He's so fucking hot and tall too I just wanna-" Nia says while riding and imaginary horse before I cut her off

I side-eyed her while lifting one of my brows up "Really Nia?" "Do have to remind you that he's-" I say before Nia rolls her eyes and cuts me off

"Ay, I know he's blackmailing us chica I get it but that doesn't change the fact that he's hot as hell, he can blackmail me and get it any day, I wonder if he's single," Nia says grinning because she knows she's winning

I shake my head letting her have this one, I still hate the asshole

Question of the Chapter: What's your favorite book trope? and why?

Question of the Chapter: What's your favorite book trope? and why?

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