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Another average day, or what Miles thought would be an average day passed by in the HQ. The usual Miguel yelling at him, Pavitr teasing him about Gwen (even though he didn't really know how he felt about her anymore) and Hobie being his usual self. Until a certain conversation caught his attention.

Miles' POV —

I watch as Miguel leaves the room also making the tension disappear, letting me finally relax. Everyone starts talking around the lunch table much like how students talk as soon as the teacher leaves the room. I start eating a sandwich while listening to Pavitr and Gwen's conversation because it's usually really entertaining.

"Miles, have you realised that Hobie switches colours?" Gwen asks and looks at me expectantly across the table.

"I guess? I haven't really paid much attention to it." I admit and take another bite of my food.

"Then I guess you haven't noticed that he's always pink around you" Pavitr hums and I give him a look of confusion, why does his colours matter?

Pavitr and Gwen exchange looks, Pavitr looks smug about something and Gwen seems irritated.

"Aight, what's going on?" I ask, and glance at both of them with my eyebrow raised starting from Gwen to Pavitr.

"It's just that, don't you think it's weird? I mean he's only that colour with you" Pavitr says and it seems like he's trying to hint something to me.

"No, he's that colour with Mayday too" I say and Pavitr smirks at me.

"And you said you haven't been paying attention? Miles you're such a bad liar!" Pavitr teases and Gwen smacks the back of his head before looking back at me apologetically.

"Sorry about him, Pavitr has been talking nothing but nonsense" Gwen sighs.

"What nonsense?" A thick British accent suddenly chimes in behind me. For some reason my heart speeds up when the said British guy slumps down in the seat right next to me despite it being plenty of open seats.

"Nothing!" Pavitr yelps in terror and Hobie raises a questionable eyebrow but luckily he doesn't ask anything about it.
Everyone goes back to talking but for some reason it's so hard for me to relax next to Hobie. It's not that I hate him or anything but something about him makes me feel so uneasy. I start thinking back to when him and Gwen had something going on and I was constantly jealous, yeah that's probably why i'm always on edge around him. No other reason.

"You guys doing anything?" Hobie asks.

"No, why?" Gwen says as Hobie spreads his feet out on the table, something Miguel absolutely despises but Hobie being himself will keep doing whatever the fuck he pleases.

"I was thinkin' i'd show you guys 'round my verse. Maybe get fucked up at the pub or something" Hobie casually suggests, Pavitr and Gwen immediately seem into the idea but I don't say anything because i'd rather not feel on edge for the rest of the day. But the thought of getting to see Hobie's universe did seem pretty interesting though..

"What 'bout you, Miles?" Hobie asks, I look over to him and he seems like he genuinely hopes i'll tag along, probably just so he gets another chance to shove the fact that Gwen chose him over me in my face.. or maybe he actually wants to spend time with me? Nah couldn't be that.

"I don't know, man. I have plans later" I lie and scratch my neck. Suddenly Hobie gets on his feet and grabs me by my bicep making me stand up beside him. From this angle I could see every little detail of his face. It made my stomach twist uncomfortably.

"Plans can wait, come on everybody let's get wasted!" Hobie yells, making Pavitr and Gwen cheer for him as he opens the portal.
He drags me through it and even as we walk through his hands linger on mine a second too long for it to be ignorable.

I drag my feet on the wet concrete while following Hobie and the others. I groan in annoyance when I notice how much it's raining but no one else seems to mind. Hobie's verse isn't much different from mine except for the colours being more murky and the vibe of the whole city just flat out being depressive. That was until we got to the pub. The whole building was covered in obnoxiously bright lights and loud music you could hear even from a good distance.

"Here we are" Hobie says and opens the door. I squint my eyes slightly at the sharp colourful lights in the room.

"Come on, let's go get drinks" Gwen says and grabs my arm much like Hobie did earlier, only this time I didn't feel anything. Weird.

Gwen orders the same drink for us. We talk for a a few moments until the alcohol hit her and she ended up dancing with Pavitr in the middle of the pub. Me on the other hand felt miserable and I also knew I was about to get a headache so I contemplated whether or not I should just leave, it's not like anyone would notice anyway.

I walk to the outside area of the building and sit down on the only dry area I could find, not even caring how wet i'm getting. I sigh at the feeling of not even knowing why i'm upset making me even more upset, stupidly enough.

Suddenly the rain stops. I look up confused to what just happened and I see Hobie standing with an umbrella over both our heads before sitting down next to me.

"Not really your thing, huh?" Hobie asks and smiles kindly at me, why is he always so goddamn nice to me?

"It is my thing when i'm not getting dragged here against my will" I snap at him and he lifts his unoccupied hand up in surrender.

"You've had plenty of chances to leave" Hobie hums and I roll my eyes. He has a point though, why the hell am I still here?

We fall into a silence for what felt like ages, the only sounds filling the air were the ones from the pub and the other from the heavy rain. If that didn't make me tense up the closeness of me and Hobie did.

"Thanks for bringing me an umbrella" I mumble, hoping to start a conversation.

"Of course" Hobie says and smacks my back playfully. I feel warm inside from the smile he keeps giving me so I don't even realise that i'm smiling back until I feel a small twinge in my face.

We start talking about everything and nothing after that, despite all the commotion around us it only felt like it was me and him in that moment.

Maybe Hobie isn't that bad after all?

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