Uncontrollable feelings

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It had been a few days since Miles and Hobie's last encounter yet it didn't leave Miles' mind once since then. One particular day he was tired of his mind constantly being plagued with the punk boy so he decided to do what he does best, draw his feelings away.

Miles' POV —

I toss and turn around in my bed and groan when I realise i'm probably not gonna get any sleep soon. I zone out on the ceiling for god knows how long. I wonder what Hobie is doing right now.

I facepalm when I catch myself thinking about Hobie. This is like the millionth time today! I turn to my side and see my sketchbook laying on my desk. Maybe I should just draw until I get tired?

I get out of bed and throw myself in my chair causing me to slide a little further than I intended. I push myself back to my desk and grab my headphones. I flip through my book for a blank page. I cringe a little at how many drawings of Gwen there is from when I used to be obsessed with her. I finally find a blank page and I start scribbling, not really having a plan for what to draw.

That's when I thought of Hobie. I thought of all the cool piercings he has, his amazing style, his cool hair that probably takes a lot of effort to maintain and his angular face. He's basically any artist's dream, so it won't be weird if I draw him right? It's not like he's ever gonna see it.

I must've been so caught up in my own world because I didn't notice my window cracking open and someone sliding in.

"Oi, earth to Miles" A thick British accent says directly into my ear while holding the side of my earphone away from my head. I flinch and slam my book shut before facing him with a awkward lopsided smile.

"Didn't mean to startle you" Hobie chuckles and looks a little to the side to where my notebook is laying, shit. My ears burn in embarrassment as I quickly get on my feet to block his vision.

"What are you here for? Is Miguel asking for me or something?" I ask and Hobie finally adverts his gaze to me. For some reason when our eyes locked it almost made my heart come out of my throat.

"Nah, just wanted to have a little chit chat. Unless you were occupied with this-" Hobie tries to grab my sketchbook but I slap his hand and grab it.

Hobie stares bewildered at me before laughing with a look of challenge in his eyes

"Sorry I didn't mean to slap you, I just— it's just really embarrassing" I stumble over my words, feeling slightly guilty for slapping him.

"Ain't nothing to be embarrassed about" Hobie says and somehow manages to grab the book out of my hands, damn it! What is it with Hobie and Gwen and always invading peoples privacy?

I try grabbing the book back but Hobie held it high in the air while mocking me before turning around and blocking me off while flipping through the pages. I watch in terror as his expression goes from amusement to disappointment when he sees Gwen's drawings. He sighs and hands me the book back.

"Don't sweat it mate, my mouth's sealed" Hobie says. She already knows.

"Thanks, man" I say and awkwardly scratch the back of my head. Why do I kinda wish he had seen his drawing? How would he react to it?

We stand in awkward silence for a moment too long before Hobie turns around abruptly and struts around my apartment like he owns the place he spots my couch and makes himself comfortable on it.
I sit down next to him and my breath hitches ever so slightly when his knee touches mine.

"They lied about having lots of things to do in America, seems pretty boring here" Hobie says and fake yawns.

"Bro you haven't even seen anything yet" I say and look unamused at him.

"Then show me around American boy" Hobie teases and i'm already on my feet taking his hand in mine and heading towards my window.

"Bet" I pull my mask over my face and Hobie does the same. I jump out of the window and swing to a nearby building. Me and Hobie swing through the cool midnight air. It felt so surreal for some reason, me and Hobie hanging out like all alone and it's not even awkward.

"Last one to that building is a rotten tomato" Hobie yells, I gasp in annoyance because of his head start and start swinging as fast as I can after him.

Our laughter and yelling added to the already loud and busy streets of New York, even if it was the middle of the night.

"How does it feel to be a rotten tomato?" I ask as soon as my feet hit the surface of the roof. Hobie groans when he arrives a few seconds after me.

"I don't believe in losing" Hobie states and sits down. I roll my eyes and follow his lead.

"Dork" I laugh and Hobie smiles at me, like genuinely smiles not even his a̶t̶t̶r̶a̶c̶t̶i̶v̶e̶ stupid smirk.

"Hanging out with you is actually not that bad" I admit and Hobie wraps an arm around me happily. His touch felt electric to my skin.

"Finally came around to like me, Miles?" Hobie teases and I smack his arm away from me.

"Nah, I just tolerate you" I utter.

"That's a step up at least" Hobie chuckles and looks at me with a sheepish smile on his face.

"We should probably get going" I say, finally feeling like i'll be able to sleep now.

"Wait. Do you wanna hangout again tomorrow? The others will probably also be there" Hobie says and makes his portal.

"Sure thing, just text me when" I say and turn around to leave, slender fingers wrap around my wrist like handcuffs.

"I'd need you number for that" Hobie says and my face flushes slightly out of embarrassment.

"Yeah— of course. Here let me just.." I say and pull a random pen out of my jacket pocket and scribble my number on Hobie's hand.

"There. night, Hobie" I say as casually as I can, mentally i'm screaming at myself for giving Hobie my number because I just know he will abuse it.

And maybe I just might be okay with that.

"Catch you later, love" Hobie says and enters the portal. However before he left it looked like he winked at me, I decided that it's probably just the bad lighting or my tired mind playing tricks on me.

I get back to my dorm, slipping on my PJs and getting into bed. As soon as I close my eyes my phone screen lights up and I immediately grab my phone.

yo, miles ru still awake?



jeez,  I was just making sure. Anyway
i'm going to sleep now so bye

Stupid brit 🇬🇧:
can't even stay up longer to speak
to your best mate? wow..

I don't even know you

Stupid brit 🇬🇧:
Sleep well princess


I put down my phone with a smile on my face, God I could really get used to being around Hobie. I mean he's just such an interesting person. No wonder Gwen likes this guy.

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