Fuck you

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Miles woke up to an empty apartment but the smell was enough evidence of what had went down yesterday.

Miles' POV —

I open up every window I have, desperately trying to rid myself of the smell of weed. I groan, sit down on my bed and close my eyes. Okay, Miles. Try to remember what happened yesterday.

I remember Hobie showing up unannounced like he always does, then we smoked on my roof but from there it's a bit of a blur. My eyes open abruptly when I get vivid memories of kissing Hobie.

"Fucking hell.." I whisper to myself and cover my face with my hands, how did this even happen? Maybe that's why he left, he's probably uncomfortable with me now. Miguel is gonna be so fucking pissed when he notices us work badly again. I fight back tears as I enter my shower and turn it on.

When I finish showering I grab some clothes without really looking at them. When I check myself out in the mirror I notice how the t-shirt i'm wearing obviously belongs to Hobie judging by the unfamiliar band labelled on it, will Hobie still be okay with me wearing his clothes after what happened last night? I sigh and look at my clock. Only one way to find out.

I walk into Hobie's dimension and consider the shirt i'm wearing to be good luck because a bunch of other people were wearing the same type of clothes. Hobie usually stands out everywhere but in his own universe he could easily have blended into a crowd if it wasn't for his ridiculously good looks.

I give myself a long pep talk before knocking on the door to his apartment, everything will be okay. Just breathe Miles—

The door opens and Hobie towers over me curiously.

"Didn't expect to see you so soon" Hobie says and ruffles my hair, does he even remember what happened last night?

"Oh.. yeah uh. Were you going somewhere?" I stammer and Hobie snickers, my ears heat up in embarrassment. I probably look so stupid right now, I wish I could be permanently chill, like Hobie.

"I was heading off to model. But you're here now so I might just go some other time" Hobie says and opens the door wider for me to walk through, right I forget that Hobie is a model and a band member when he isn't spiderman. Is it even possible to get any cooler?

I'm not used to being in Hobie's apartment since he usually comes to me, this is probably just my second time seeing it.

"It's messy, I know. Haven't really had the chance to clean because of work and all" Hobie explains, I quickly sit down next to him not wanting to seem rude.

My heart beats so fast that it feels like i've ran a marathon, god I really shouldn't be this nervous.. I mean it seems like he doesn't even care or remember what happened last night. But why do I kinda wish he did? Fucking hell nothing makes sense anymore.

"You okay, dear? You're really quiet today" Hobie remarks and rests a hand on my thigh that immediately makes electricity course through my veins.

"I'm fine" I nervously respond, Hobie gives me a look of questioning before turning on his TV to watch something. I can't quite grasp what he's watching because my mind is trying it's best to find a way to bring up our kiss, does he actually not remember or does he think I don't remember?

"Hobie?" I ask, my throat feeling awfully dry.

"Yeah?" He asks and tears his eyes away from the screen. Making it even harder for me to form words.

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