Watery eyes

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Hobie hates labels, Miles on the other hand needs to label things or else he feels like he'll go insane, one of the things he especially would like to label is his and Hobie's relationship. They're practically already like a couple, or at least Miles thinks so.

Miles' POV —

I try to pay attention to what my boyf—Hobie is saying but his words might as well have been in another language. I make sure I nod and watch the way his mouth moves so he doesn't question me not talking.

I've been so caught up in my own head lately. I want him to be mine but would he want that?
I mean we're basically a couple, we borrow clothes from each other, we hang out all the time and other stuff that friends definitely don't do.

"So what do you say Miles?" Hobie asks, I look him straight in the eye when he slouches to be closer to my height.

"Sorry what were you saying?"  I guilty smile at him.

"I was asking if you wanted to see me preform in my verse today" Hobie repeats. Honestly I don't like Hobie's verse a lot because I feel so out of place, except when i'm with Margo because she's the same. But the thought of seeing Hobie play his guitar and possibly introduce me to his friends doesn't sound too bad.

"Sounds good" Hobie immediately lights up and swings his guitar on his back, he then takes my hand and walks me into the portal.

When we walk out we're outside a different pub than we usually go to, finally a change of scenery. I blush when Hobie keeps holding my hand all the way into the pub despite all the people staring at us. Maybe we're already a couple? Hobie probably just doesn't like the whole cheesy confessing to each other thing, even if I do.

Hobie shows me to a chair by the bar that has an amazing view to the stage he'll be singing on in a few minutes.

"Don't fall too hard for me after this" Hobie winks. Too late for that.

"I'll try" I tease back, Hobie smiles the smile he only has reserved for me before turning around and walking to the stage. The whole room gets crowded after that, so much that I get uncomfortably squeezed between two people. God the lengths I go just to see him smile.

I watch as Hobie alongside his band members enter the stage, cool as ever.

"He's so cute!" A girl beside me gushes, I cringe slightly but she's right. He's probably the most beautiful person i've ever met.

"Too bad he's dating the drummer, if it wasn't for him i'd totally shoot my shot with him" A girl on the opposite side of me whispers. Hobie? Dating? Must be some sort of childish rumour, Hobie would never. Right?

Hobie's band start playing and I watch in amazement like I always do, the way his fingers know exactly what string to tug at, the way he always looks the most confident when it's hundreds of eyes set on him. It's truly breathtaking.
My eyes wander to the drummer that he's rumoured to date and I immediately feel nauseous. The guy has long black hair that probably goes all the way to his waist, wintery pale skin that shines in such a unique way under the dim but colourful lights and the most delicate brown eyes i've seen. He's so much prettier than me.
I try to physically shake the negative thoughts out of my head, it's rumoured, Miles. Hobie literally fucking slept at me yesterday and the day before that! It's nothing to worry about.

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