Relationships aren't as complicated as I thought

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Miles and Hobie have been dating for almost a month now, they've kept it secret but in reality everyone had an idea of the two boys being more than friends. Pavitr would always whisper to Gwen about Miles and Hobie's flirting, fuck even Miguel knows about them. But they still haven't actually confirmed it until now.

Miles' POV —

I nervously squeeze Hobie's hand under the table of the HQ break room, i'm feeling extra nervous about telling everyone about me and Hobie being official. As always my emotions don't go unnoticed by Hobie.

Hobie leans a little closer to me and whispers.
"Y'know we could always tell them another time, it's really no pressure"

"Nah, I want to tell them. I just gotta find the right time" I whisper back and Hobie nods before sitting straight again, we keep holding hands though.

"What're you two whispering about?" Pavitr suddenly asks with a knowing smirk on his face, I immediately blush out of embarrassment.

"You're so nosy" Hobie jokes.

Pavitr opens his mouth to respond but he immediately shuts up when he sees both Gwen and Miguel enter the room.

"What mission do we have today?" I ask, Miguel sighs.

"If you'd let me get to that it'd be nice" Miguel says, I frown and Hobie laughs a little. He's always gonna find me and Miguel's conversations hilarious.

Gwen takes a seat next to Pavitr and we all sit in silence, waiting for his announcement.

"Today we're doing something a little different, you guys will be in charge of decorating for the party later" Miguel says, I raise a brow and Hobie reflects my confusion.

"What party?" Me and Hobie say in unison, Gwen sighs and Pavitr gasps.

"How do you guys not know about this?" Pavitr asks shocked.

"Because they're always in their own little world" Gwen answers for us bitterly.

"Can I speak?" Miguel asks, but it's more like a politer way to tell us to shut up.

"I'll be hosting a party later for the whole HQ to get to know each other better" Miguel explains.

I get caught a little off guard to Miguel's sudden interest in hosting such a thing, he seems to notice by my expression because he adds;
"It was Peters idea"

I can't help but feel excited for the party and I know Hobie is too from the way he smiles.

"Okay so i'll sort you guys in two groups, Hobie and Pavitr you will decorate the entrance and Miles and Gwen will take care of the main room.

I feel Gwen's blue eyes on me, I can't even meet her gaze because I just know it's gonna be some sort of glare. I sigh and get up, heading to the main room. Maybe I can just ignore her. My thoughts get interrupted by a tap on my shoulder.

"Miles can we please talk?" Gwen asks shyly and looks up at me while fiddling with her hands, I get taken aback from her sudden politeness but decide to hear her out.

"Sure, what's up?" I ask a little awkwardly, the tension between us was thick but we both try to pretend it isn't even there.

"Why did you stop liking me?" Gwen asks but before I can answer she cuts me off.

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