Object of my desire

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The day after Miles and Gwen's talk he decided to stay in his apartment to avoid any possible interactions with either Hobie or Gwen. His decision had consequences.

Miles' POV —

I drag my paintbrush on an old canvas i've had laying around in my art room ever since I moved into this place. I usually never paint but today I just needed to do something different for a distraction from everything.

I sigh when I remember the way Gwen looked at me, how could I do that to her? I probably somehow lead her on and now she won't even want to talk to me. My best friend of four years, funny how fast things can change.

I swirl my pencil around in water to rid it of colour to add another but I suddenly hear sounds from my bedroom. I drop the pencil in the water and walk quietly to my bedroom.

My heart drops out of my stomach when I see Hobie standing in my room, it's nothing unusual but after realising I like him it sure does feel different.

"Hobie? What are you doing here?" I ask before even entering the room, Hobie spots me and I stop dead in my tracks allowing him to lean on the doorframe and peer down at me.

"Oh I just thought i'd make a visit, y'know since you decided to go to Gwen's yesterday" Hobie explains with a look of fury in his eyes, fuck did Gwen tell him about what happened?

"I'm not allowed to visit my friend?" I ask and cross my arms to seem more sure of myself, Hobie fake grins and clicks his tongue in annoyance.

"Friends don't exactly snog each other do they now?" Hobie asks.

"It wasn't like that" I stumble over my words in fear of him lashing out at me like Gwen did.

"It wasn't like that?" Hobie mocks and lifts my face up by my chin to face him. I feel my forehead start to gather sweat, something that only happens when i'm extremely nervous.

"Then explain why you enjoyed it so bloody much" Hobie huffs.


"Hobie i'm not sure what she said but it's not true" I apologise without even knowing completely why.

Hobie gazes down at me with a look of consideration before finally seeming to calm down.

"So you didn't enjoy it then?" Hobie asks, my throat feels dry as I shake my head.

Hobie glances at my lips and I feel my heart pounding in excitement, his hands grab around my waist to pull me into my room. He pins me against my counter making the things on it shake from the intensity of it.

"D'you think you'd enjoy a kiss with me more?" He asks and i'm pretty sure he knows the answer.

"Please" I whisper. He smirks and slouches down a bit further allowing me to wrap my arms around his shoulder. My round eyes meet his lidded ones one last time before I close my eyes and allow him to let our lips meet for the third time, if what happened yesterday didn't confirm me liking Hobie this definitely did. The way his piercings feel is addictive and his gentle but firm touches only make me yearn for more.

We pull away for oxygen. Hobie lets his head roam to my neck. I feel the pain of his teeth slightly biting me before washing it away with his tongue swiping over it. Hobie faces me again. This time his eyes looks like he's ready to tear me apart.

"M'sorry" Hobie breathes.

"For wh—mh!" I gasp when Hobie presses his hips into mine. Our clothed bulges press against each other painfully. Hobie leans in and starts kissing me again. My body moves before I get the chance to think because I start grinding on Hobie. I didn't even notice what I was doing before Hobie groaned.

"Fuck, Miles. I knew you were desperate but this? This is another level" Hobie teases as if he wasn't the one to initiate the whole thing.

"It's your fault, fix it" I hiss in annoyance when Hobie grabs my hips to stop me from moving.

"Don't tell me what to do" Hobie says but his actions are completely opposite because he frees my dick out of my pants and starts stroking it while unzipping his pants and letting his own be exposed.

With a quick movement he takes both of us into his hand, I throw my head back at the feeling.

"Look at me" Hobie instructs. I quickly comply. He greedily kisses me and my senses overflow with him. When we pull away for air I watch his eyes fall down to what he's doing and I shyly follow his gaze.

I groan at the sight of Hobie doing something so dirty but shame can wait for later because this feels way too fucking good to regret.

Hobie suddenly starts going faster, I hide my face in the crook of his neck and fight to keep myself steady on my feet from my knees going weak in pleasure.

I squeeze my eyes shut when I feel myself getting closer by the second. Hobie starts to go slower but rougher driving me completely off the edge as I moan loudly and release. Hobie does the same soon after. We rest our foreheads on each other panting hard.

Hobie sips up his pants and I do the same, I look anywhere but him as the reality of the situation sunk in.

"You alright?" Hobie asks concerned.

"Yeah" I stutter. Hobie doesn't buy it. He leans his face to where i'm looking, forcing me to lock eyes with him. This time he looks really concerned.

"Was I too rough on you?" He asks.
No, you could've been rougher and I would love it the same.

"No" I answer.

"So you didn't like it then?" Hobie asks.

"What? No I liked it.. a lot" I drag out the last part and feel a bit annoyed at the way he regained his smirk that just screamed how pleased he was with himself.

"Course you did" He says, I groan and sit down on my counter because of my still wobbly legs.

"Shut the fuck up" I fake a angry tone and Hobie laughs. I can't fight back my smile this time.

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