Numerous encounters

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The next day everyone decided to meet up at a diner. Not before Miles checked himself out in the mirror for an unhealthy amount of times to make sure he looked fresh. And Hobie might've added a few extra accessories to make himself look cooler, not that he would admit it though.

Hobie's POV —

I fiddle with a ketchup pack while Gwen and Pavitr talk about something.

"Wonder if Miles is even gonna show" Gwen sighs.

"I can go look for him" I offer immediately causing Pavitr and Gwen to blink confused at me. Can't blame them though I never offer to do shit, but i'll make an exception for Miles—

"No need, i'm here now." Miles says and i'd be lying if I said my heart didn't skip a beat. Miles scoots between me and Pavitr and as he does so I notice how good he smells and the way his outfit looks carefully thought out. I then catch the way Gwen is gawking at him, great I love competition.

"How was your sleep, darlin'" I ask and rest my arm behind Miles' back and the way he stiffens makes me want to continue to test his limits.

"It was great, I dreamt about you actually" Miles says with a teasing smile on his face that I always just want to kiss away until he's all shy—

"The tension in here is— wow" Pavitr says bewildered and stares at both me and Miles, Miles seems to shrink under his view as if he's been exposed.

Then Pavitr whispers something to Gwen and she looks like she's about to rock his shit by the way she's gritting her teeth. She gets up abruptly and slams her hands on the table. I grin amused, I haven't seen her this angry in a while.

"Let's get out of here" She says with a fake grin on her face.

"What's the ruckus? Miles hasn't even eaten yet" I say and ruffle Miles' hair. He glares at me with his adorably big eyes, has he always had this long lashes?

"I'm not really that hungry anyway—" Miles gets cut off by Lyla suddenly popping up.

"Sorry to ruin your fun time but Miguel is calling for you" Lyla speaks, glitchy as ever.

"Oh come on! It's supposed to be our day off" Gwen and Pavitr groan in unison.

"Well it's not anymore! Now chop-chop!" Lyla says and disappears.

The diner is basically empty except for a woman cleaning but she's listening to music so she won't notice if we just teleport here. Gwen and Pavitr put some money on the table before we step through the portal to the familiar lobby of the HQ. There Miguel is standing, with his hands on his hips and an already disappointed expression on his face before we even have the choice to disappoint him.

"What universe do we have to go to?" Gwen asks, not wasting any time.

"Sit down, this is a meeting" Miguel instructs.

Miles and Pavitr sit down first leaving the seat next to Miles unoccupied. I glance at Gwen before hurrying myself onto the seat next to him.

"What's all this about, big man?" I ask and Miguel glares at me, much like Gwen keeps doing.

"The way you guys are working isn't nearly as good as it can be" Miguel says plainly but it still makes all of us immediately shut up.

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