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JUNE. THE START OF what should be the start of peace and underage drinking. Aspen got the text, so did Theo.

    The Conklin's are on their way, arriving today at the Fisher's beach house. The Finnegan's are also arriving today. Aspen has a perfect view of their driveway and as she sits on her roof, knees tucked to her chest, she can hear Taylor Swift blasting through car speakers.

    Belly. Isabel. Bells.

   The girl with the brightest smile Aspen has ever seen.

   Her car comes whizzing down the road, swiftly yet carefully turning into the Fisher's driveway. Thanks to the shrubbery around the home, Aspen can't see the family exit the vehicle but nonetheless, for the first time in what feels like forever, she's excited. It's boiling in her tummy and crawling up to form a smile across her face.

    Aspen crawls back into her room, shutting the curtains so that her dim fairy lights are the only thing providing light. Music now blasts through her own speakers and she ever so slightly lowers it.

Polaroids scatter her walls and ones she needs to hang up remain on her dresser. Her desk is organized with her makeup. Bright and glittery eyeshadow pallets in one corner while her lip gloss sits in the other. If Aspen is being honest, her friend's arrival is the only reason her lids are covered in pastel purple shimmering eyeshadow.

    Her smile is still across her face as she swings her bedroom door open. Like a vacuum, everything is drained from her as she steps out into the hall. Yelling bounces off the walls and Aspen braces herself when she hears insults being flung back and forth between her mother and father.

    Down the hall, Theo opens the door to his room, sharing a knowing look with his little sister. The siblings stand in their doorways, waiting for the inevitable slam of the front door.

A minute later, it happens. It shakes the house and Aspen winces, listening for her father's car start up and zoom away.

"The Conklin's are here," Theo excitedly says, racing down the stairs. Aspen takes a breath, a straining feeling in her chest from her anxiety. She took her meds earlier today but hearing your dad call your mom an ungrateful woman doesn't help.

      Aspen goes down the stairs, spotting her mom on the couch, wine glass in hand. "Mom, the Conklin's are here. The Finnegan's shouldn't be far behind," Aspen softly tells her mother. Amaya Kershaw is a beautiful woman. Green eyes that contrast against her tan skin. At 38 years old, she's never looked better. So Aspen is always really when she confused her dad of cheating once more.

    "I'll come say hi later," Amaya says, a clearly forced smile across her face. Theo is already out the door when Aspen reaches it, slipping on her white sandals. When the siblings get there, Belly is being lifted up by Jeremiah, Conrad and Steven.

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