11. team maggie?

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MAGGIE AND ASPEN DO not have a lot in common. Yet, they've been friends since they were kids. Sending each other birthday gifts when they weren't in the same state and having the occasional long phone call to update each other on their lives.

       But, now they have a big thing in common. They both broke their own hearts the day before.

Maggie told Aspen everything that happened last night with both boys and Aspen told her about how she pushed Belly away. The one person they each desperately yearn for has been put at arms length thanks to their own doing.

       The girls sit in the Fisher's kitchen because their mom's have all gathered around before the annual volleyball tournament. Maggie refused to sign up, Aspen told Belly she'd be back up and she's regretting the offer now.

        "And I heard that Margo down the street wants to close the diner," Millie gossips, iced coffee in hand. "Well, I heard it's had a horrible season," Amaya adds. Aspen and Maggie both scoff at their mothers, sharing an eye roll.

The Kershaw girl hops off the stool, huffing all the way to the couch. Maggie follows her simply because she doesn't wanna hear the four moms talk about someone's failing business. It's sad. Not something to poke fun at just because Margo annoyed Millie years ago one time.

             "So, Caiden is your deb date?" Maggie asks her. Aspen rolls her head to the side, tired hands running down her face, "Yeah. Yeah he is."

                   Maggie presses her lips together, nodding before her eyes catch the window. She sees Conrad walking down from the beach, surfboard in hand. With a sharp inhale, she looks away and bites her lip. She misses him so badly. It's been less than 24 hours and that promise he made about her never losing him seems to have already been broken. Caiden assured her he just needs a break but how long will the break be? Maggie can't afford it to be too long.

       "Belly!" Steven yells upstairs. Maggie snaps her neck to Aspen who slumps further into the couch cushions. "You gonna escape?" Maggie asks. Aspen nods a quick yes, "I'm going to the beach. Wanna join? Maybe you can talk to Con."

          It's Maggie's turn to slump into the cushions, hoping to fall between them. All she wants is to talk to Conrad but he doesn't want that, not right now. "No, no. I think he has somethin' with that author dude anyway. You have fun at the beach though," Maggie smiles. Aspen ruffles her hair before exiting the home, hoping to find solace in the ocean waves. She certainly can't find it in the Fisher home. Her nerves are transmitting like she's constantly being zapped with a taser.

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