14. lies

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               THE BOYS ARE LINED up for their dance. Caiden is fidgeting with his fingers, focused on Theo and only Theo to get him through this. Steven and Jeremiah stand in front of him. "Hey, does my mom seem okay to you guys?" Jeremiah asks.

       Caiden lets his eyes wander over to Susannah. There's a proud smile across her face, nothing seemingly out of the ordinary. "Seems like Susannah to me," Caiden shrugs as they walk down the steps. "Yeah, seems fine. Why?" Steven asks.

          "I don't know. She's been sleeping a lot and smoking a lot more pot," Jeremiah replies. Caiden's blue eyes flash with fear. Two symptoms that indicate her cancer could be back. But Caiden swallows the concern, convincing himself the beloved Fisher woman just wants to relax more. Sleeping and weed help with that. Right?

         Jeremiah and Steven exchange some more words but Caiden can't hear them as he runs over to his spot for the dance.

     Maggie and Conrad's eyes keep catching each other with an intense look. Even from opposite sides of the table the tension is unbearable. But Maggie stays seated, ready to watch her boys perform and to giggle at her twin. Whatever the tension entails, he has to wait until after the dance.

                The pop music starts up. The boys are snapping, shimmying across the ballroom floor. A smile somehow works it's way on Aspen's face. More so giggling at how goofy Jeremiah looks as he dances. They do a body roll that causes Aspen to nearly physically recoil but she just laughs in response. It gets worse though. They smack their own asses, spinning their hips in a circle. The crowd erupts into woo's and claps.

            "Who the hell choreographed this? They're sluttin' my son out," Millie giggles, watching as all the boys meet in the middle with a slide. "Caiden is loving it," Maggie points at her brother who has a bright smile across his face, getting far too into the dance. He steps out of the line, waving his hands and winking at his boyfriend. Then, Steven slides across the floor on his knees, giving them another body roll.

             Maggie laughs, clapping her hands at the beyond unserious moves. Finally, the dance ends and Aspen feels her scowl fade from her face. Belly stands up, clapping with her silk gloves. Her eyes don't leave the beautiful smile that Belly has, even if she's looking down at Jeremiah.

              Belly feels the stare, locking eyes with Aspen. Both girls widen their eyes, staring in horror at being caught. The chaos dies down and it feels like they're the only two in the room. Belly makes the first move, leaving her family's table to travel over to the Kershaw's.

          "You alright?" Belly softly asks, "You look...mad." Aspen hadn't realized her expression of annoyance was still evident. She drops it, sparing Belly a smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2023 ⏰

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