7. kool-aid debacle of 2011!

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        PARENTING IS HARD. ANYONE with common sense knows that. You can try as hard as you can not to fuck up your kids but either someone else will do it or a mistake will be made. Or a lot of mistakes.

      Henry Finnegan is the parent that makes a lot of mistakes. So why the hell he's standing in front of them on the Fourth of July is beyond either of the twins.

          Maggie and Caiden are convinced that if their mom had left years ago like she planned, they'd be less fucked up.

           That's especially apparent as Henry gives his kids a fake, big smile. He knows he fucked up. That's why he wasn't invited. That's why Millie was so relieved when Henry said he had something to do with his dying mom anyways—their grandma that they haven't seen in 10 years.

       Maggie was having a good week. A great week since the party even. Aspen seemed to be in a lighter mood, even hanging out with Belly more again.

            Her own father has completely ruined it.

           "Hey, there you all are!" Henry exclaims, daring to walk closer to his kids. Both twins don't move, arms at their sides as they're wrapped into a tight hug. All Maggie wanted to do was help her mom, Laurel and Susannah set up the annual Fourth of July party. Sensing his kid's discomfort, Henry lets go.

     "Why are you here?" Caiden bluntly asks before Maggie can. Their dad's face drops along with their mom's behind him.

"Grandma told me I should come. That I needed to be here. You guys leave soon for college—"

"You can't decide to be a dad now," Maggie cuts him off. His anger is growing by the second but so are the twins. "I am a dad. Your dad. I've been trying to get better," Henry pouts, begging like the children he once ignored. In unison the twins scoff. "We have shit to do. Try not to fuck that up too," Maggie retorts, grabbing her bag and walking past both parents.

Caiden hesitates, sending his mom a sympathetic look, "See you in a bit, mom." And then he leaves as well.

"I can't believe this shit," Maggie whispers, taking a deep breath while she stares at her dad's new BMW.

Maggie knows that the parenting thing is hard. Probably the hardest job but when you buy a new BMW but refuse to help your kids move to college, putting it all on their mother, you've definitely fucked up. "What did you expect? He'd give us an attitude when we wanted candy at the gas station as kids. I'd understand if we were broke but I've seen both their bank accounts," Caiden shakes his head in disappointment.

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