10. a tale of self sabotage

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             JEALOUSY RUNS THROUGH EVERYONE'S veins at some point. When you're scrolling on some social media app and see people in Europe or on Mother's Day and Father's Day, watching people happily post their parents. Could be watching a kid when you were younger have the toy you told your mom that you wanted.

The older you get, the weirder jealousy becomes.

Like how when Belly clung herself to Conrad all summer four years ago, Aspen had a bitter taste in her mouth at all times.

Jealousy. The green monster had clung itself to her for the 3 months the Conklin's had been at Cousins.

That same bitter taste is lingering in her mouth right now. Not because of Conrad or even Cam. But because of the shit Jeremiah pulled last night.

Aspen is mindlessly learning the dance for the deb ball, stuck in her thoughts. Belly is a mere foot away from her but the only times they've spoken today is when Aspen thanked her for the ride to the country club. They're not mad—just—confused. Neither know how to bring it up. Especially Aspen, she's got no clue how to bring it up without mentioning how she wants to strangle the younger Fisher boy.

Everyone except the two girls are practicing with their partners. Even Shayla and Steven. The debutante is coming closer and closer and Aspen is becoming more desperate for a date. All the officials are yelling at her, even her mom constantly reminds her.

Caiden will do it, yeah. He already told her he would. Belly being her date is straying further and further away from being a possibility.

Her brother's boyfriend or whatever might have to be her date and that makes Aspen physically recoil at the thought. Aspen stops her dancing, eyes landing on Belly who's already staring at her. Blush tinges her cheeks from being caught, a nervous smile across her face that makes Aspen's stomach flip.

Aspen swallows the butterflies and walks over to Belly, fingers fiddling with each other, heart rapidly beating.



"You go first, Pen," Belly says. Aspen hadn't expected her to go first in all honesty so nothing is prepared except a stutter. She puffs her cheeks up, eyes darting everywhere except on Belly. The Conklin girl tilts her head, hand reaching out for Aspen's reach. She waits for her to pull away but the curly haired girl stays put and her hand clasps around her wrist, pressing against Aspen's quick pulse.

"Uh," Aspen nervously chuckles, staring at Belly's hand around her wrist, feeling her heart somehow speed up yet she calms down, "Do you have a thing with Jeremiah?"

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