12. conrad. now.

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             ALL MAGGIE COULD FEEL is nerves. Her whole body is shaking with nerves as she stares at her wardrobe.

                      Nothing seems good anymore. Not even her favorite leather jacket.

                         "We have to leave soon," Caiden reminds her from the doorway, "Can't find an outfit?"

                        "Yes but I'm not asking you because all you wear is cargo shorts," Maggie sighs, pointing at her brother and his lack of fashion sense. The blonde boy grunts,  backing out of his sister's room, "Don't say I didn't try!" He says as he walks down the hall.

                     "You didn't try!" Maggie shouts back while also throwing one more shirt into the hell no pile. The hell no pile is much bigger than the maybe pile. It's a mess and Maggie hates it. It seems like all she wants to do is impress someone. Someone as in Conrad Fisher. Why? She doesn't know.

                   It'll never work out. She'll lose him before she even has him. And the boy has seen her in the most horrid outfits.

                        Heels click down the hall and then Millie appears next to her child. "I was told we're having a fashion malfunction. What's up, buttercup?" Millie asks, sitting on Mags' bed.

                 "I just can't find an outfit."

                "Aren't you just going to see Conrad?"


                    "So why does it matter?" Millie questions but she can see it in her child's face that she's finally realized what Millie and Susannah knew years ago.

                   Magnolia Finnegan has a major, major crush on her best friend Conrad Fisher.

                   One that is very much reciprocated.

                 Maggie's face falls when she's caught, flopping onto her bed next to her mom. "I'm so screwed," Maggie mumbles into her comforter. "Oh, honey," Millie runs her fingers through her hair, "He likes you. We've all known this except you two." Maggie's tears threaten to fall. God, whatever universe they're together in is probably laughing at the shit they're going through right now. Why can't it just be simple? Nothing in her life seems to be simple.

                      Complicated relationship with her dad. School sucks. Her friendship with Belly is only just getting better after a painful year and now this.

                           "I know," Maggie picks her head up, "I know he likes me. I like him too, mom. So much it pains me but we can't—we can't be together," Maggie takes a shaky breath. Millie pouts, "It won't be like with Belly. Conrad cares about you too much."

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