13. odd tension

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THERE ARE MOMENTS IN life where the world goes quiet. Your head shuts down and the world is no longer available to you.

It happens to Aspen Kershaw a lot.

The bathtub water is hot, scorching her skin even but it's the only thing she can feel. Only thing she wants to feel.

Belly kissed Jeremiah. She kissed him after they both confessed to liking the other. Love has never been her thing. She's grown up with a horrible, brutal example of love.

Aspen believes all she'll ever know is how to fuck up her love life. It'll be right at her finger tips and then she loses it.

Crickets chirp outside her window. She rolls her head to the side against the tiled wall, seeing 12:30am light up her phone. The bright light blinds her in contrast to the dim bathroom light, a groan rolling from her lips. If she closes her eyes for long enough, Aspen is at the beach peacefully watching Belly giggle as a wave hits her. But, she's not. She's in her bathroom becoming one with the darkness and the stars.

Her phone vibrates on the edge of the tub, a notification displayed. "Fuck," Aspen says through an annoyed breath. Everything is sucked from her lungs when Belly's contact pops up.

'Can I see you?'—Belly

Aspen sits up, hands shaking as she stares at the text. She wants to see her, yes but can she mentally handle it? Will it somehow destroy her more? She would become too far gone. All because two girls couldn't communicate properly.

Aspen's fingers against the screen to type in her password but it takes multiple tries with her anxiety filled hands.

So, before she can second guess it any longer, Aspen types out her response.


Her body is melting like a puddle as she waits for a response. Those gray bubbles appear, a gasp coming from her.


Then a few seconds later, ' :) '.

Aspen sighs at how her stomach forms butterflies at a stupid smiley face. She can't resist Belly, everyone knows it. So, Aspen pulls herself from the arm rub to slip on some clothes before she slips her shoes on and carefully leaves the house.

Her parents are fast asleep in separate areas of the home. Very quickly Aspen leaves the home and she sees Belly under a streetlight. She's in an oversized t-shirt and flip flops, hair down. Aspen's heart speeds up at the beauty of the girl. Even after everything she reminds Aspen of everything pure and sweet.

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