8. two fisting margaritas

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             MAGGIE AND CONRAD SIT beside each other, feet in the sand as the water just reaches their toes. A black and silver string bikini sits on Maggie's frame, a black crocheted cover up on the top of her body.

               It's calming—just sitting here with him. They've said very few words to each other, letting the waves and seagulls fill the void of noise. Until the question that's been boggling Maggie's mind finally slips out.

             "You ever think what we did in a past life to deserve.....this one?" Maggie pouts, hand gathering sand to let it fall between her fingers. Conrad leans back on his hands, eyes trailing his childhood best friend's body. Just checking for any more new tattoos.

         "Past lives aren't a thing. This is just—our life. Nothing from 200 years ago got us here with—shitty dads," Conrad rolls his eyes, picking a white shell from the sand. Maggie rests her head on her knees, staring out into the vast ocean.

            It's such an undiscovered area. Only five percent is explored. Five. Percent. So much more to discover. How much of herself is discovered? How much of herself is just what other people have told her and she decided to believe?

          Maggie wishes someone could calculate that. Same with Conrad. They'd be happier, maybe.

           Or sadder if the results are not in their favor and they're just as fucked up as their dad's made them to be.

          "We should get a pirate ship. Sail out and never come back," Maggie softly says, looking at Conrad, "Never have to see our dads again." Conrad laughs, imagining that. Just them on a big boat, sailing and seeing the world together. All those stories they heard as kids would become true, all the fantasies they read. How badly Maggie wanted Atlantis to be real.

       Conrad faces Maggie, "And find Atlantis?" He smiles. Maggie smiles ten times bigger, surprised he remembered her childish wish forum ten years ago. "Yeah, we can find Atlantis," Maggie says. Conrad nods, scooting closer to the blonde to rest his head on hers. Just for a moment he'd like to be able to breathe and he can do that when he touches Maggie. Her heart though, it speeds up, air becoming a manual thing rather than automatic.

        "I don't like Sawyer," Conrad blurts out. Maggie snorts, a chuckle running through her, "I don't like Nicole."

               He shrugs, lifting his head from hers to look into her brown eyes with his ocean blue ones. As kids, Maggie was always jealous of his eyes. Caiden has blue eyes, so does Jeremiah and her own father. She got her mom's brown eyes and she hated it. Not because they're ugly, they were just ugly on her.

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