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As the thick darkness spread over the landscape, Hiccup and Toothless flew off their place on the huge icicle.

Hiccup opened his wings and together they flew into the nest. It was an amazing feeling. Flying. The wind in his hair, the pressure under his wings... the view. He just never got to enjoy it properly. The only time he flew anywhere was at night. If it happened to be daytime, he flew above the clouds so no one could see him, but he in turn couldn't see the landscape below him.

They flew through a passageway to the center of a large cave with several streams of fresh water flowing into a pool. In the pool rested a white Bewilderbeast with dozens of long spikes on his head and back. At their ends, the color of ochre and black was spreading. But the most majestic and visible part of the dragon were its tusks, which greatly increased its length. It had no wings to fly, but was a sea dragon, adapted to life underwater.

Hiccup landed right in front of him. He bowed, waiting for orders. They always set off after sunset. It was time to head out into the open ocean, to rescue any dragons that needed it. He hoped they wouldn't find any, because that would mean most of the dragons were safe. Or - which wasn't a pretty possibility - the hunters had managed to hide from them.

"Tonight is a cold night, so you won't like where I'm sending you tonight. Tonight's patrols reported one ship heading north. It was far away from here in the afternoon, you must hurry. If you don't reach it by dawn, turn back. We must not risk anyone's life." The great dragon blew its icy breath at him, sending frost over him. That was the signal that he could go.

"All right, Alpha." Hiccup flew back up to Toothless, already waiting for him.

"Where are we flying today?" He asked eagerly. Unlike Hiccup, he loved rescue missions. There hadn't been any before Hiccup's arrival, and it must have been exciting for Nigh Fury to finally have the opportunity to help dragons in trouble. 

"North," he replied simply. 

Something was missing, so he added, "the far north."

"Oh, come on. We haven't been there in a while, but I wouldn't complain about it at all. It's cold there, my wings freeze just thinking about it!" he began to complain. He mumbled a few more sentences and flew off towards the exit.

Hiccup followed him. They had to hurry, after all. If they wanted to reach the ship before dawn, they probably had work to do. It should be far away, but it could be much closer than the noon watch had originally reported. Each dragon had a different sense of orientation and determined distances differently. Who knows where the ship is.

The only information that really mattered to Hiccup was direction. If he knew it, he couldn't miss it. All he had to do was be on the lookout.

He caught up with Toothless far beyond the nest. Hiccup may have been half Night Fury - probably - but he could only dream of his legendary speed. It was as unattainable to him as normal life. He didn't even know what a normal life looked like. But if normal life consisted only of the glory of killing dragons, he didn't want it.

They flew under the clouds to see any sign of their target. Glittering stars hid above a layer of thick, grey clouds. Small waves rode the ocean. There was no storm in sight, so the gusty winds couldn't make their flight difficult. It really was a perfect night.

"Do you think it'll be some random fishing boat again, or will it be hunters?" Toothless asked suddenly, breaking the silence of the rhythmic flapping of wings.

"I hope it's just some fishing boat. Maybe it sailed further away from the village to find more fish. Who knows. Vikings are devious," Hiccup answered him promptly. These conversations were like routine for them. They couldn't do without them, the silence was maddening.

"Perhaps? Don't you want to kick hunters' asses? Help the dragons?" the Night Fury growled in amazement.

"Of course I want to! I just... you know what happened last time. I don't want to make that mistake again. I couldn't live with myself if I did it again... if I..." He paused. His words sounded lost.

"It wasn't your fault. And accidents happen. Does it bother you that much? He was just a hunter! A Dragon hunter!" Toothless grumbled. He tried to calm Hiccup down. He couldn't.

Hiccup reached up and wiped a fresh tear from his cheek. "Yeah. It shouldn't have happened at all."

They remained silent for the rest of the time. The tension between them could be cut. 

Hiccup flapped his wings violently and sped up a little. He wanted to be back as soon as possible. He'd like to travel, to explore. After his earlier experiences, he dared not stick the tip of his tail out of the nest. He flew rescue missions, yes, but only for the Alpha. He would never dare disobey him, never dare object to anything. He wanted to ingratiate himself as much as possible so that the nest would have some reason to suffer him there. He wasn't a dragon, after all.

Fortunately, the Alpha not only tolerated him, but considered him one of them. He was given the same respect as any other dragon. All the more reason to keep his place.

"Sorry," Toothless began, "I should have noticed how you felt."

"That's fine. Let's not talk about it anymore, please."

"I won't. I promise."

Hiccup smiled. That was why he liked his brother so much. They would do anything for each other. Even if they had to fly to the edge of the world and back again, neither would stop. Not even for a second. That's how strong their brotherly bond was. Nothing could tear them apart. Nothing they could control.

They were really far north, farther than they'd ever been before. Hiccup was beginning to think that the lookout had been wrong and that the ship must have gone in a different direction, or that they had passed it long ago.

Then he heard it. He was not wrong in guessing where one of his memories had come from. It was her. The queen of one of the northern nests.

The voice was so alluring...

Come closer! Join the ranks of my servants.

So wonderful...

Come on! Come on! Come, come, come, come. Become my servant, little one. Sweet and tiny!

So scary...

Get out of the way and you'll die! Come on! Come on! Join the others!

Hiccup couldn't resist. Something was pressing on his mind. It controlled his movements. He could feel her presence, her all-perceiving senses.

A searing pain on his mind every time he tried to regain control... but why would he regain it? This way he didn't have to worry about anything. She could solve everything. For him. He could have peace of mind.

He wanted to listen to her. Do whatever she asked.

Then a faint voice of reason echoed in his mind. But it was too late. Too late. There was no escape.

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