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Toothless was flailing in the clutches of a larger dragon. He was slowly regaining consciousness - he was too far away for the Red Death to control him any longer. He didn't understand what was happening. The last thing he remembered was Hiccup flying at his side. They were headed for the hunting ship on another of their rescue missions. They were heading north. The cold, far north, which he didn't want to think about - such cold temperatures were not pleasant, let alone good, for Night Furies.


The thought brought him fully awake. He could see nothing but the ocean below him, nothing but high, dark, crashing waves. Cloudjumper carried him, and several other dragons flew with them. Where is Hiccup? He tried to shake and clear his head, to right himself, but it wasn't going 

well in the powerful clutches of the larger dragon.

"Where's Hiccup?" he asked, finally regaining control of his voice.

"Finally, you're awake. Get ready, I'm going to drop you." Cloudjumper answered him promptly, loosening his grip. Toothless slipped out of the long claws that held him surprisingly gently and spread his wings. He gave a good shake - though in flight it wasn't quite the same.

"Where's Hiccup?" he repeated the question. He couldn't smell him anywhere. He couldn't see him anywhere. He was beginning to worry, to panic.

"We were going to ask you the same question. We haven't seen him anywhere. His scent was lost when we got within sight of that horrible nest," a Deadly Nadder with green scales answered him. "I've never lost anyone's scent as easily as I lost his."

"We must go back for him!" Toothless turned to go back to save his brother. He would do the same for him. Hiccup wouldn't hesitate for a second if Toothless was in danger. He would go all the way to Hell and bring him back to Earth from there.

"No! You can't go back there! Hiccup isn't there anyway, there's no point in flying there for nothing. As the tracker dragons said, his scent is gone. That means he must be somewhere else," Cloudjumper stopped him. "Maybe he managed to escape. We don't know what happened. In the meantime, we need to go back and bring you home, at least."


"No buts. Our king wanted us to bring you both back. We only found you, we'll come back for Hiccup later. We still have to deliver the news of the Red Death. She had the nerve to take you two just like that, even though she knew which nest you belonged to. She won't get away with this."

Toothless hesitated, but finally agreed. If Hiccup needed help, if he needed rescuing, it was best to have as many dragons with him as possible. It was best if they had the best chance of success they could have.


Giant Bewilderbeast was asleep when they arrived at the nest - it was still night. They decided to wait for him to wake up. Toothless knew from his own experience that it was not a good idea to disturb his sleep. It never ended well. He was a big dragon, but he spooked easily.

That's why Toothless sat on the edge of the pool he was lying in and stared at him. He'd glared at him, hoping it would wake him up faster. He wagged his tail from side to side, shifting from paw to paw every now and then. His heart was racing with nervousness - he couldn't calm down. He couldn't stop thinking about his brother.

He tried with all his might to force the Bewilderbeast awake by sheer will. To make him think of the danger and the need to act. But his hypnotic staring at the snow-white scales of the enormous dragon didn't do much. The turquoise eyes would not and would not open.

If something happened to Hiccup, if someone hurt him, he would tear the world apart. He will tear it apart like no one before him and avenge Hiccup if need be. He'll tear the world apart and piece it back together so he can go on with his life in a safer version of it without constantly worrying about his best friend. In the new world, only the dragons, birds and other animals will remain (more likely just the harmless and tasty ones, especially the nice, plump salmon), there won't be a single Viking left, and he'll get rid of all their weapons. They will get rid of the Red Death and kill off all the diseases that the winter season brings and plague Hiccup's health. He will make the world an ideal place for himself and Hiccup.

Whatever the cost.

Wake up, wake up, wake up! If he doesn't wake up soon, I'll go crazy! Or I'll go looking for Hiccup alone!

He sat for a few more minutes, but after a while he couldn't take it any longer. He bounced off the ground and flew away. He flew to find him. He flew to find his brother. Unaware of what the Bewilderbeast needed to tell him. Unaware that the awakening Bewilderbeast had decided to follow him. Hiccup was a member of the nest they could hardly do without. The two powerful dragons knew this all too well.

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