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It was hot in the nest. Hot magma bubbled down in the volcano's vent, heating the air outside the volcano. Hiccup was sitting on one of the ledges big enough to fit on and small enough to be alone on. His legs dangled over the edge and he swung them back and forth. His tail was curled in his lap. For all his efforts to think, he was missing the point of everything he was doing.

He had lost Toothless long ago. He was here somewhere too, but where, he had no idea. And he didn't really care. His clouded mind couldn't understand why he should care. He was just another dragon. Just another possible morsel for the ever-hungry queen...

Although he wasn't really thinking, fear was shaking him. Just from the connection he had with the queen. Of other, unknown dragons, unknown surroundings. From everything around.

Food! FOOD!

Hiccup's entire skull resonated. It was a scream so loud in his mind it gave him a headache.

He jumped mindlessly from his seat into the air. With each beat of his wing, he fleetingly touched another dragon. The crush of scaly bodies made it even hotter. He bumped into the others several times before he managed to fight his way out of the volcano's maw.

He barely perceived the pain from these impacts. He could only distantly hear the noise made by dozens of flapping wings. But he could see clearly and distinctly.

He didn't understand why he was flapping his wings. He had no idea where he was going, or why the other dragons were with him. He didn't understand anything he was doing. His goal was only one: to please the queen. To bring food.

And so he flew. He didn't know where, but he followed the others - they probably knew. Heavy clouds covered the sky. It was still dark when they set out, and it was still dark when they approached their destination. An island loomed in the distance. Medium-sized, with many houses.

Hiccup would have turned back and fled if he could control his actions. If he had any idea where he was going. But he just kept flying. He flapped his wings relentlessly, soaring over the icy ocean, careful to avoid all the other dragons' wings and tails. He didn't want to cause himself any unnecessary injury.

Dawn shone when they got close enough to be seen from the island. There were distant screams that Hiccup could normally understand. Now he couldn't make out a single word. And he didn't care. All he cared about was the food. He cared about pleasing his new queen. He had long forgotten about Bewilderbeast, not a single memory of him remaining in his mind.


He flew over the village. Still from the shelter of the small flock, he searched for something to bring. Normal dragons would just grab a sheep, but not him. He couldn't carry it. He had to find something more suitable.

Nets began to fly through the air. Some missed their target, others didn't. If Hiccup had been in full control of his senses, if the queen hadn't overridden his instincts, he might have been able to dodge. Not in this condition. He could barely hear it approaching him.

He only noticed it when it wrapped itself around his body. It pressed his right wing against his body, wrapped itself around his tail. His left wing was loose, he were trying to use it for balance. To no avail. He plummeted to the ground, the wind whining around his sensitive ears. Panic seized him.

He tried to wriggle out of the ropes, to free himself. Under the queen's control, he didn't remember his weapon, so he collapsed to the ground. The impact was hard, his entire right side ached. He must have hit something. He hoped he didn't injure his wing... or his tail. That would have been the end of him. But he didn't care now, his main concern was the queen. Her unsatisfied hunger.

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