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Valka went behind the others. She tried to keep the winged boy in sight. Something drew her to him in a way that hadn't been her own for years. As if she knew him.

She wasn't too surprised by his existence but she didn't know why. She just sort of suspected he existed all along. Ever since she'd heard the story from Johann, she'd known someone like him existed. Deep down she just knew it.

The thought of trader Johann reminded her that he hadn't sailed yet. After recent events, he probably wouldn't sail for a long time. Knowing him, he would want to stay as long as possible so he would have something to tell the Vikings of the other tribes.

Valka followed Stoick and everyone carrying the limp body of the winged boy to the Dragon Arena. They shoved him into the empty cell that usually housed the training dragons. They bound his hands and feet. After a brief discussion, they decided to tie his wings tight to his body. Valka gasped in amazement when she saw those beautiful wings and seethed with rage as they roughly tied them together.

She waited until everyone had left. She wanted to be alone here for a while and get a good look at him. He could help her show the Berkians what dragons were really like. She dismissed the idea immediately. They wouldn't listen to him any more than they listened to her.

One by one the Vikings left, each giving her a suspicious look. As if they thought she'd let the boy go as soon as they turned away and left.

Can he even talk? She asked herself, ignoring the stares from the departing Vikings. She pulled the lever in the wall and opened the door to the dark cell. The winged boy was laid sloppily against one wall.

She walked closer to him. She studied him with her eyes first. She was afraid to approach any closer. He could wake up at any moment. He could pose a threat, but she didn't want to pose a threat to him. That was the last thing she wanted. When her gaze found nothing in particular, other than his general appearance, she moved closer.

She carefully brushed a strand of thick brown hair away from his face. Fascinated, she examined every scale on his face. She stroked one of his long ears fleetingly.

Strange as it was, she couldn't stop staring at him. After some time, she regained her composure, rose from her crouch, and left. She felt regret for leaving him like that. There was nothing she could do about it anyway. If she let him go, the whole village would know right away who it was.


Darkness. That's all he perceived. Darkness and cold. His wings hung limply on his back, leaving him with no choice but to walk and drag them through the dust behind him, just like his tail. He couldn't feel them. He couldn't even feel his tail. That scared him.

"Hello?" He called out uncertainly.

The last thing he remembered was him and Toothless. They were flying to find a ship and check for any injured dragons. But they never made it. The Queen caught them. The Red Death.

From that moment on, he was empty. Just nothing. Just that scary voice in his head. The memory of it gave him goosebumps.

"Hello!? Is anyone here?" he called again.

There was no answer from the cold emptiness. Only utter silence. The cold got under his clothes and soon he was grinding his teeth with cold. He kept walking forward, thinking that maybe, just maybe, he would find something or someone.




Hours passed, days passed. At least that's what he thought as he wandered endlessly in the thick darkness. He couldn't see the tip of his nose. He hesitated with each step, as if he would sink into the depths of the earth and never see the light of day again. No sound came from his feet. He was in absolute silence. Every breath stung and burned in his lungs.

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