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Hiccup could only see into three other cells. They were all empty. Even the ones he couldn't see were empty - if there had been anyone else in the hold with him, he would have known it thanks to his acute hearing. He would have heard the faint beating of their hearts, their breathing, and every slightest movement. Only two guards stood tirelessly outside the bars of his cell, silent.

He clutched his now-numb tail to his chest, hiding in his cocoon of wings. He consoled himself with the thought that when he opened his eyes again, his tail would be as it had been, fine. Thought of Toothless, of his warm snout, of the fact that when he opened his eyes again, he would be here with him and back home in the nest. His stampeding heart failed to calm, however, and with each passing beat he was reminded of his current situation, no matter how hard he tried not to think about it.

For after Viggo's departure, the panic returned quite quickly, uncontrollable.

He didn't know how much time had passed since his brief encounter with Viggo, but it must have been hours. The damp wood beneath him made him feel all frosty. He hoped he could get out of here, but he didn't put much hope in escaping. If Toothless knew where he was and could help him, he wouldn't have been here long ago. He would be already gone, free, safe.

It seemed like an eternity before he heard footsteps approaching. He remained seated, refusing to move from his spot. No one but Ryker appeared outside the bars of his cell, a smirk on his face. Hiccup had never seen him without a smirk. Was he born with one? Or had he grimaced so often that the expression stayed on his face?

Ryker walked in without a word. Only when he forced Hiccup to his feet did he growl in his ear: "Do something stupid and I'll gladly stab you right where you stand."

Hiccup believed his words. He also believed that Ryker was trying to get him to do something stupid with his challenging tone. Hiccup valued his life too much for that. So he let himself be led away - on deck, as it turned out two minutes later.

On deck, Viggo was waiting for them, hands linked behind his back.

It was getting dark, the day was coming to an end.

Hiccup looked around. All he saw were hordes and hordes of hunters and their big boats.

"We know there's a dragon's nest somewhere nearby. You will lead us to it, I know you can do it." Hiccup turned toward the incoming voice.

At that moment, Hiccup noticed the thick fog. The mist that hung in the air around the Red Death's nest. He got scared. He never wanted to hear that terrifying voice again in his life. He wished to stay as far away as he could and they had brought him right in front of the gates of the suffering associated with her!

Suddenly he didn't care about Ryker's threat. Anything was better than getting back there. He didn't make it. They were too close. No sooner had he begun to stir than he froze and pricked his ears in her direction.

My errant servant! Where have you been for so long? Fly! Fly and come here! Join the others in my nest, you belong HERE! Hurry! Hurry here to me!

Hiccup tried in vain to shake her off, only it didn't take long for her to take control of his mind, his head buzzing. At that moment, it made absolute sense to get closer. At that moment, it felt right to obey her. At that moment, it seemed logical to him to try to take off with only one tail fin. At that moment, he listened to her call. Either he would join her, or he would be consumed by a terror unlike any he had ever experienced. Her voice promised that.

He tore himself away from Ryker, spread his wings, and hovered a little before ending up back on the deck.

"What are you trying to do, freak? You're not getting anywhere with that tail!" Ryker laughed. Hiccup didn't even notice him.

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