Wait, What!?

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Nico pov:
Why is my phone ringing right now? I never get calls, unless it's after 1:00 in the afternoon. But it's not 1 o'clock it's 7:30 in the morning! Who am I going to kill for calling me this early?

"Hello," I mumble while trying to rub the sleep out of my eyes.

"Hey Nico so-" they started but I was not going to let them finish.

"Solace, it's to early for this!" I say into the phone once I relized who it was.

"No it's not cause this is important!"

"Ok, fine, then tell me what you want," I was not in the mood to deal with him or our current situation.

"So about last night, I was wondering if I could come over and we could talk about what happened," he sounded hesitant but who am I to blame him.

"Sure, whatever Solace. I'm free all day so whenever is fine."

I would soon come to regret those words.

~Time Skip~

There's a knock at my door and let me tell you I'm pissed at whoever is knocking on my door this early. I roll out of bed and walk over to my apartment door to see who it is.

"Nico," he starts but then cuts himself off, blushing. And that was when I realized I didn't have a shirt on.

I blush, "Hold on," I say and slam the door in his face. I run to my room and throw on a random shirt before opening the door again.

When I open the door Will has his eyes covered, "Are you decent?"

I roll my eyes at him, "Yeah stupid, I'm fully clothed this time."

"Ok good. Can I come in? Or should I just stand here?" he looks at me before I move out of the way for him to come in.

"Ok Solace," I say going to sit on the couch, "What do you want to talk about?"

"You have to promise not to be mad at me!"

Now this sentence scared me, "What did you do? I semi-promise not to be mad."

He sighs and says, "Well last night, when Annabeth dared us to date, it was kinda my fault."

"What do you mean 'kinda' your fault?" I asked.

"So you see I was on the phone with my parents and they want me to have a date to bring to Thanksgiving this year. Well I didn't have anyone to bring so I was telling Piper and Annabeth about it and they said they could help me find a date," he says really quickly.

"Ok, so," I ask drawing out the O.

"So I didn't know that they were going to dare us to date. I promise!"

"Ok so what you're telling me is that you needed a date, asked Piper and Annabeth for help, and then they dared us to date," he nods as I say this.

"Are you mad? I'm really sorry!"

"I'm not mad, just confused I guess. So you need a date and I'm that date. So I guess if we're 'boyfriends' or whatever now, we need rules," I say.

He looked shocked that I was going along with it and to be totally honest I was too. It's cause you think he's cute! Shut up brain! I don't need this from you right now.

"Okay," he says it slowly and then stares at me expectantly. "How about we both make up 3 rules and see if we both agree."

"Sounds good to me," I shrug and grab us each a pen and piece of paper to write our rules down.

Nico's rules:
-Give me a warning before kissing me
-If your posting something about us let the other see it first
-If your coming over before 9:30 bring coffee

"Ok, here are mine. Are you done?" I asked him. He shook his head yes and handed me his rules. "Will what kind of rules are these?" I couldn't believe what he wrote.

Will's rules:
-We have to hang out once a week outside of when we are faking
-Spend at least one night every 2 weeks
-Bring cookies or something when you go over to the other's house

"I think they are reasonable, so are yours," he says shaking his head and looking up at me.

"Ok, fine whatever I guess they are good," I said with a sigh. "Ever had Italian before?"

"Not unless you count Olive Garden and Dominos."

Now personally, I was offended the called that Italian food so I decided that could be our first 'date' or whatever.

"Ok then you need to get your butt home and dressed," he looked at me confused. "We're going out to Italian tonight," I continued as if it were obvious.

He nodded and started heading towards the door. Before he left I called out, "I'll pick you so send me your address!"

He responded an okay and was off.


Ok so that's the end of that one. Idk how I feel about this chapter but that's ok. So until next time.

Lots of love,

Gay ChickenWhere stories live. Discover now