The (Fake) Date

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Will's pov:
I can't believe Nico agreed to be my fake boyfriend! I've liked him for a little while now but was to scared to say anything cause I knew he wouldn't feel the same. But now that he's my fake boyfriend maybe he will start to like me.

I know, of course, that would never happen but a boy can dream. Tonight, he is picking me up and we're going out for Italian food. I'm honestly really excited. I don't know what I'm supposed to wear though.

Tossing through my closet and drawers I decide to do a casul-dressy but not trying to hard look. I wore khaki pants and a white tank top with a yellow and white stripped button down. I left the button down undone and tossed my hair to get a cute messy look.

Just as I put on my shoes there was a knock at my door. I assumed it was Nico so I rushed to the door

"Hey Nic-" I started but when I looked at the persons face, it was not Nico but Kayla. "Oh Kayla, hey."

"Dang Will, are you excited to see me? And why are you so dressed up? I thought we were just going to hang out here."

With all of the excitement from Nico becoming my (fake) boyfriend, I totally forgot I was supposed to hang out with Kayla tonight.

"Oh my gosh, Kayla, I'm so sorry I forgot!" I said regretfully, "And I made other plans for tonight."

"Oh you made plans with someone? Who?" She asked. She looked kinda hurt and that made me feel even worse.

"I can cancel, it's not a big deal! I promise," I said but of course she wasn't the only one who had heard that.

"Cancel what?" Nico says walking up to us since we were still standing in the hallway.

"Oh Nico! Hey! I'm so sorry, I was about to text you that I double booked tonight and was wondering if we could reschedule?" I said hopeful he wouldn't mind to much.

Then I noticed he was holding flowers and it looked like he really dressed up for tonight. And damn did he clean up nice. He looked hurt when I said we should cancel but that's probably because he bought flowers and drove all they way here.

"Oh, um, yeah! Yeah! That's fine! We can just go out some other time," he said rather forcefully.

"No, actually, it's fine! Just go and have fun! We get to hangout all the time, it'll be good for you to hang out with someone else," Kayla says winking at me and leaving quickly.

"Well, um, are you ready to go?" Nico says looking at me.

"Yes! I mean, uh, yeah. Yeah I'm ready," I said a bit embarrassed from my enthusiasm.

~Time Skip~

We walked into the restaurant and it was beautiful. It was red with gold accents and dim lights. I was mesmerized.

"You like it?" he asked. He looked almost nervous.

"Oh yes, I like it! It's gorgeous," I said in awe.

Nico walked up to the counter and told them we had a reservation. They led as to a table in a more private area of the restraunt.

Looking at the menu I had no idea what to choose. Everything just sounded so delicious.

"Nico," I said, "what do you recommend?" He looked delighted that I asked him. He started listing things off but I wasn't really listening. He is so pretty, especially when he is talking about something he cares about. Maybe I'll be one of those things one day.

"Will? Did anything sound good?" He asked. How was I supposed to respond? Just play it cool.

"Umm it all sounds so delicious! Just suprise me! I'm not picky so I'll eat anything."

Yessss, nice save me! That was good! And totally worth it. Look how exicted he looks! Omg he is so cute, I can't!

When the waiter comes Nico orders, I have no idea what he's saying though. The waiter walks away and Nico notices me looking at him confused.

"I speak Italian fluently," he supplies looking embarrassed.

"That's so cool! I only know some Spanish since that's what I took in High School," I said. "Do you speak any other languages?"

"Well, I speak Mandarin, Russian, Spanish, Greek, Swedish, Latin, French, and German," he says flustered.

"Wow! I wish I could speak a different language!" I said.

"Yeah," he says, "anyways, what are you studying in college?"

"I'm going to school to be a doctor!" I said. I knew I probably had stars in my eyes while saying it.

"Woah!" he says. "That's so much cooler than what I'm going to school for. What made you want to become a doctor?"

"Well I like helping people and in high school I did this special program that only a few people get excepted into. At the end of it I was hooked. I got my nursing licences when I graduated."

"That's really impress Will," he says looking actually interested.

"Yeah! You think so? Thanks!" I say excited I might have someone I can talk about my school to now. "Anyway, what are you going to school for?"

"I'm majoring in Film Studies and minoring in World Languages. I couldn't decide what I wanted to do so I started both and I liked them both so much I still haven't," he says blushing.

"That's super awesome! Both of those fields are really cool. Maybe you'll be able to find a job that involves both things."

"That's the dream," he says with a slight smile.

~Time Skip~

I had just gotten home from the date. Nico walked me all the way back to my apartment to say goodnight.

He was really cool and I can't wait to get to know him more. We both decided to post something on our snapchat stories about tonight. I posted a picture of him flipping me off while eating spaghetti and captioned it 'can y'all feel the love?' And his post of me was a picture of me holding the flowers he gave me, he didn't put a caption.


Hey guys! I actually kinda like this chapter. Comment any mistakes and I'll fix them! Also, the nursing course Will was talking about is actually something they do where I live! Just thought it was cool. Anyway, idk when I'll post another chapter but I will eventually.

Lots of love,
Dumpitytruckity <3

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