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Nico pov:
I woke up to knocking at my door. I was confused for a minute before I realized it was probably Will. We decided to meet up a few hours before everyone so we could get our story straight and hangout.

"Morning Will," I say sleepy opening the door.

"Goodmorning Nico!" Will says as chipper as ever. How the hell is he so excited in the morning. It's litterly 9 in the morning.

"What time is everyone coming?" I ask to double check.

"I told my friends 12ish. I figured that should give us enough time," he says.

I nod my head and walk into the kitchen to make coffee. Will sits on my counter.

"Ok so," he starts, "What did you tell your friends about us?"

"I just told them we've been together for 2 weeks," I say with a shrug.

"That's it? They didn't ask anymore questions?"

"Nah, they know I like to keep to myself mostly. What'd you say to yours?"

"Mine wanted all the details. I told them we knew each other than started going on dates about 2 weeks ago. I said we've had 4 dates: ice cream, botanical garden, Italian, and your house," he says.

I nod, "Well we can work with that. Mine just know what we posted on socials."

"Oh! I almost forgot!" he exclaims, "they asked so I told them we've kissed a few times but not a lot."

I look at him and nod my head. I think about what else they could ask but that should be it. And if it comes down to it we can just make something up.

"Well if that's out of the way," I say walking to the living room, "do you wanna watch something til they get here?"

He follows me to the living room and we get comfortable on my couch with blankets.

~Time Skip~

There was a knock on the door, I figured it was one of Will's friends because I left the door unlocked and told my friends to just come in when they get here.

Will got up to answer the door. What I didn't expect was for Hazel and Frank to be standing there with their eyes covered. Will looks at me confused and I just shrug.

"Nico are y'all dressed?" Hazel asks.

I laugh, "Yes Hazy, we're both wearing clothes."

She uncovers her face and lets out a relifed sigh, "Good! I didn't want to walk in on my brother doing something with his boyfriend!"

Will blushes and I just laugh as they come and sit down. We decided to just do introductions when everyone else got here.

And within 15 minutes of Hazel and Frank showing up, everyone else followed. Percy and Annabeth, Will's friends, Leo, Reyna and Jason. Piper couldn't make it she was busy.

I look at Will hoping he says something, and of course he does.

"Hey guys, I'm Will," he introduces himself. Everyone else does after that too.

Will's friends wanted to ask me questions and my friends asked Will. So we kinda just split up.

"So," says Cecil, "Will tells us you study Film and World Languages."

I nod my head and then Lou Ellen asks, "What languages do you speak?"

"I speak Mandarin, Spanish, Russian, Greek, Swedish, French, Italian, Latin, and German. I'm currently learning Sanskrit and Arabic," I say.

I feel embrassed talking about myself. They looked really impressed. I kinda feel like I'm being interrogated.

"How many of those are you fluent in?" asks Kayla.

"I'm fluent in Italian, it's my first language. I'm also fluent in German, Greek, French, Latin, and Mandarin. I'm technically fluent in Swedish, Spanish, and Russian but they are a little rusty," I say blushing.

"You're fluent in all of them?" Cecil says, his jaw dropping. I just nod my head.

"Well what about Film Studies?" Lou asks.

"Oh, I really like it. My favorite part is either costumes or casting but I love all of it."

"Interesting," says Kayla. "Your apartment is big for a college student. Especially without a roommate," she says raising her eyebrow like it was a question.

"Oh, um, yeah my dad pays for it. Hazel, my sister, has her own he pays for too," I say looking down.

"Oh, so your rich?" Cecil asks.

"Um, yeah, I mean I guess so," I say. I don't really like talking about my family.

"So what's your dad do?" Kayla asks.

"He's a lawyer," I say.

"Interesting," says Lou, "You said you have a sister. Do you have any other siblings than her?"

I look down. I really don't want to answer that. So I don't.

"Can we not talk about my family?" I ask.

"Why not? It's not a big deal," says Kayla.

I just stand up and excuse myself for the bathroom. Why couldn't they just not ask? My eyes are watering and I'm trying not to cry.

A few minutes later there is a knock on the door. "Just a second!" I say.

"Nico," I hear Will's voice. "It's just me. Can I come in?"

I think for a second deciding to let him in. I just look and him and he looks back.

"What's wrong?" he asks. I almost started crying on the spot. It had been awhile since someone asked me that.

"You're friends were just asking some questions that were starting to overwhelm me," I say with a slight shrug.

He looks sad for a moment, "Can I ask what they asked you?"

"Just my family. I don't really like to talk about them," I say and he nods.

"Ok, well, we can stay in here for a bit if you want or we can just hangout all together now. It's up to you!"

"Um, we can all hangout together now but I have a question first," he nods, "my friends didn't cross the line with you right?"

He smiles, "No, they didn't. They just asked what I was in college for and I got a few 'hurt Nico I hurt you' speeches but they seem really cool."

"That's it?" I question.

"Well they asked why I was with you and such," he says with a mischievous smile.

"What'd you say?" I ask.

"That's for me to know," he says with a grin.

Woah, his smile is so cute. Omg! And look he has dimples!

"Will," I say before I can stop myself, "your smile is really pretty."

"Thanks? So is yours," he says blushing.

"No, mine's plain. When you smile you light up the room. And not just that but you have dimples, one's deeper than the other," I say starting to blush realizing I'm rambling.

Now he smiles so sweetly I think I might have a sugar rush. "Thank you Nico," he says and I can tell he means it.

"Um, we should probably be getting back now," I say looking down.

"Yeah," he says softly and lightly bumps my shoulder.


Hey y'all, here is chapter 6. I love you all and had lots of fun writing this! I made it longer since last week was short. I hope you like it! Please vote and comment if you do!

Lots of Love,

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