An overview

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Will pov:
I knocked on the door to Nico's apartment. It was Monday which means we leave for my family's thanksgiving in 2 days. That also means my 'relationship' with Nico ends very soon. I was upset about that but decided to spend as much time with him as a 'couple' before it ends.

He answers the door and lets me inside, "Hey Will."

"Hi Nico! So I figured since we leave soon I should maybe give you some information about my family and our trip," I say.

He nods and goes to sit on the couch leaving me some room next to him.

"So first I figured I'd tell you about my family. Well there's my parents, Naomi and Apollo. They are super nice, they'll love you for sure. Then I have a little brother Austin, he's 17. He's nice too, I think y'all will get along," I start with the immediate family.

"Wait, let me get paper so I can write this down really quick," he says getting up and walking to his room.

He sits back down and jots down what I just told him, "Okay, continue."

"Then there is my dad's sister, Artemis. She's great you'll definitely love her. She has an adoptive daughter named Zoe, she's 14. Then my mom's parents will be there," I look over to make sure Nico's keeping up. "Their names are James and Lisa Solace."

Nico looks up, "You took your mom's last name?"

I blush, "Yeah." I know it's not something to be embarrassed about but it's something that's just different than everyone else.

"Me too," he says with a grin.

"Really?" I asked excited that someone else did too.

He nods with a smile, "But anyways back to your family."

"Right, my mom has a sister named Charlotte and then she has a husband named John. They are both very nice but I don't talk to them much. They have 3 kids though, Lexi, Hunter, and Beau. Lexi is 16, Beau is 19, and Hunter 24. Hunter has a wife named Ryleigh. Beau will probably bring his girlfriend Sadie. And then Lexi has a boyfriend named Mason but I'm not sure if he'll come," I finish.

"Is that everyone?" He asks linking between me and his notes.

"Yep," I say with a smile.

"You have a really big family," he says. At first I see a look of sadness on his face but quickly it passes. "Ok well what else do I need to know?"

"Umm, we live on a farm," I add because I'm not sure what else to say.

He just nods, "What should I pack?"

"You haven't packed yet?" I say shocked. I packed like two weeks ago.

"I didn't know what to bring so I figured I would just ask you."

"Ok come on then," I say walking to his bedroom. "Well bring 3 nicer outfits, then 4 outfits that can get dirty. I know we're only going for five days but you might want to change out of your nice clothes."

He nods opening is draws to look through them, "What counts as nice clothes and why 3 options? I thought I would only need it for Thanksgiving day."

"I have something planned for us one day but that's a surprise and you'll need nice clothes for that. Then Thanksgiving and church," I say. I see him visibly tense at the word church.

"Um, we're," he clears his throat, "we're going to church?"

"Yeah, is that ok? You don't have to if you don't want to," I say. Just because my family is religious doesn't mean that Nico has to be. My parents and I would understand if he didn't want to go.

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